This subsystem contains functions for controlling math operations on the currently selected measurement and memory.Trace Math Function
Sets the math operations on the currently active trace and the trace stored in memory. Note that a trace MUST be stored in Memory. Setting the FUNCtion to NORMal is equivalent of setting the Trace Math to “None” on the front panel. Setting the FUNCtion to ADD is equivalent of setting the Trace Math to “Trace Plus Memory” on the front panel. Setting the FUNCtion to SUBTract is equivalent to setting the Trace Math to “Trace Minus Memory” on the front panel. Setting the FUNCtion to MULTiply is equivalent to setting the Trace Math to “Trace Multiply Memory” on the front panel. Setting the FUNCtion to DIVide is equivalent to setting the Trace Math to “Trace Divide Memory” on the front panel. The query version of the command returns the string “NORM” for no trace math, “ADD” for trace plus memory, “SUBT” for trace minus memory, “MULT” for trace multiply memory, and “DIV” for trace divide memory.