VNA Master™Programming Manual : VNA Commands : :CALCulate:TRANsform Subsystem
:CALCulate:TRANsform Subsystem
Front panel soft keys that are related to distance measurements, such as the Additional Dist Setup soft key, appear in menus only when the Setup Domain is set up for distance.
Maximum Distance
This command returns the maximum distance in millimeters if the current distance unit is set to meter, and otherwise returns the maximum distance in feet. This value is set based on the number of data points, the propagation velocity, and the start and stop frequency.
Cmd Parameter
NA (query only)
Query Response
<NR3> (millimeters or feet)
Default Value
NA – depends upon frequency settings
Default Unit
millimeters (mm)
– 3000.0 m to + 3000.0 m
Front Panel Access
Freq/Dist, Additional Dist Setup, Distance Info
Distance Resolution
This command returns the distance resolution in millimeters if the current distance unit is set to meter, and otherwise returns the resolution in feet. This value is set based on the propagation velocity and the start and stop frequencies.
Cmd Parameter
NA (query only)
Query Response
<NR3> (millimeters or feet)
Default Value
4.997 m for 6 GHz instruments
7.496 m for 4 GHz instruments
Default Unit
millimeters (mm)
– 3000.0 m to + 3000.0 m
Front Panel Access
Freq/Dist, Additional Dist Setup, Distance Info
Start Distance
Sets the start distance for DTF measurements. The query version of this command returns the start distance in millimeters if the current distance unit is set to meter, and otherwise returns the start distance in feet.
Cmd Parameter
<NRf> (meters or feet)
Query Response
<NR3> (millimeters or feet)
Default Value
0.0 mm
Default Unit
Meters (m) when setting, Millimeters (mm) for query
– 3000.0 m to + 3000.0 m
To set the start distance to 5 meters:
To set the start distance to 6 millimeters:
:CALCulate:TRANsform:DISTance:STARt 6mm
Front Panel Access
Freq/Dist, Start Dist
Stop Distance
Sets the stop distance for DTF measurements. The query version of this command returns the stop distance in millimeters if the current distance unit is set to meter, and otherwise returns the stop distance in feet.
Cmd Parameter
<NRf> (meters or feet)
Query Response
<NR3> (millimeters or feet)
Default Value
6850 mm
Default Unit
Meters (m) when setting, Millimeters (mm) for query
– 3000.0 m to + 3000.0 m
Front Panel Access
Freq/Dist, Stop Dist
Distance Units
Sets the units to be used for DTF measurements. The query version of this command returns the string “METER” if the current distance unit is set to meter, and otherwise returns the string “FEET”.
:CALCulate:TRANsform:DISTance:UNIT METers|FEET
Cmd Parameter
<char> METers|FEET
Query Response
Default Value
METers when setting, METER for query
To set the distance unit to Meter:
:CALCulate:TRANsform:DISTance:UNIT METers
To set the distance unit to Feet:
Front Panel Access
Shift 8 (System), Application Options, Units
Get Distance List
Produces the distance list in meters for the given trace. <Tr> is the trace number in the range 1 to 8 (1 to 4 for Traces TR1 to TR4 and 5 to 8 for Memory M1 to M4). If no trace number is specified, then the <Tr> parameter defaults to trace number 1. The response begins with an ASCII header that specifies the number of data bytes. It appears in the format #AX, where A is the number of digits in X, and X is the number of bytes that follow the header. Each distance value is returned in scientific notation and separated by a comma delimiter.
Cmd Parameter
NA (query only)
Query Response
<char> returns block data (meters)
Default Unit
Front Panel Access