Commands in this subsystem pertain to the frequency settings of the instrument.
Center Frequency
Sets the center frequency. Note that changing the value of the center frequency will change the value of the coupled parameters: Start Frequency and Stop Frequency. It may also change the value of the span.
2000250000 Hz for MS2024B, MS2034B 3000250000 Hz for MS2025B, MS2035B
Default Units
500 kHz to 4 GHz for MS2024B, MS2034B 500 kHz to 6 GHz for MS2025B, MS2035B
Front Panel Access
Freq/Dist (or Freq), Center Freq
Frequency Span
Sets the frequency span. Setting the value of <freq> to 0 Hz is the equivalent of setting the span mode to zero span. Note that changing the value of the frequency span will change the value of coupled parameters: Start Frequency and Stop Frequency, and may change the Center Frequency.
3999500000 Hz for MS2024B, MS2034B 5999500000 Hz for MS2025B, MS2035B
Default Units
0 Hz to 3.999500 GHz for MS2024B, MS2034B 0 Hz to 5.999500 GHz for MS2025B, MS2035B
Front Panel Access
Freq/Dist (or Freq), Span
Distance Suggested Frequency Span
This command returns the suggested frequency span based on the start and stop distance.
Cmd Parameter
NA (query only)
Query Response
<NR3> <freq> (hertz)
Default Value
At preset, DSpan is 1999750000 Hz for MS2024B, MS2034B At preset, DSpan is 2999750000 Hz for MS2025B, MS2035B
Default Units
0 Hz to 1.999750000 GHz for MS2024B, MS2034B 0 Hz to 2.999750000 GHz for MS2025B, MS2035B
Front Panel Access
Freq/Dist, Additional Dist Setup, Distance Info
Start Frequency
Sets the start frequency. Note that changing the value of the start frequency will also change the value of coupled parameters: Center Frequency and Span.
4000000000 Hz for MS2024B, MS2034B 6000000000 Hz for MS2025B, MS2035B
Default Units
500 kHz to 4 GHz for MS2024B, MS2034B 500 kHz to 6 GHz for MS2025B, MS2035B
Sets the stop frequency to 10000 Hz:
:SENSe:FREQuency:STOP 10000
Sets the stop frequency to 5 MHz:
Sets the stop frequency to 1 GHz:
Front Panel Access
Freq/Dist (or Freq), Stop Freq
Get Frequency List
Produces the frequency list in Hz for the given trace. <Tr> is the trace number in the range 1 to 8 (1 to 4 for Traces TR1 to TR4 and 5 to 8 for Memory M1 to M4). If no trace number is specified, then the <Tr> parameter defaults to trace number 1. The response begins with an ASCII header that specifies the number of data bytes. It appears in the format #AX, where A is the number of digits in X, and X is the number of bytes that follow the header. Each frequency point is in scientific notation and separated by a comma delimiter.