The Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI) defines a set of standard programming commands for use by all SCPI compatible instruments. SCPI is intended to give the user a consistent environment for program development. It does so by defining controller messages, instrument responses, and message formats for all SCPI compatible instruments. SCPI commands are messages to the instrument to perform specific tasks. The MS2720T command set includes:
This instrument follows the SCPI standard but is not fully compliant with the standard.
SCPI Common Commands
Some common commands are defined in the IEEE‑488.2 standard and must be implemented by all SCPI compatible instruments. These commands are identified by the asterisk (*) at the beginning of the command keyword. These commands are defined to control instrument status registers, status reporting, synchronization, and other common functions. The common commands supported by the Spectrum Master are shown below.
Identification Query
This command returns the following information in <string> format separated by commas: manufacturer name (“Anritsu”), model number/options, serial number, firmware package number. The model number and options are separated by a “/” and each option is separated by a “/”.
For example, the return string might look like: “Anritsu,MS2720T/3/2,62011032,1.23”
This command restores parameters in the current application as well as system settings to their factory default values.
System settings affected by this command are Ethernet configuration, language, volume and brightness. Note that the unit will power‑cycle after this command is executed.
After executing this command, communication will be lost. Wait a minimum of 60 seconds before re‑establishing communication.
Front Panel Access:
Shift‑8 (System), System Options, Reset, Factory Defaults
See Also:
SCPI Required Commands
The required SCPI commands supported by the MS2720T are listed in the Table: SCPI Required Commands. These command work in all measurement modes and are described in All Mode Commands.
SCPI Required Commands
SCPI Optional Commands
Table: SCPI Optional Commands lists the optional SCPI commands that comprise the majority of the command set described in this document. These commands control most of the programmable functions of the MS2720T.
SCPI Optional Commands
The SCPI optional commands are sorted by measurement modes, and commands may be repeated in more than one mode.