MA2700A InterferenceHunter Help : Interference Analyzer (Option 25) : Measurements Menu : Direction Finding Menu
Direction Finding Menu
Key Sequence: Measurements> Interference Mapping > Direction Finding
IA Direction Finding Menu
Direction Finding Antenna Selection
Opens the Antenna Selection submenu for selecting the directional antenna, running an external antenna self-test, and running an external compass calibration.
None: When no interference hunter is connected, the instrument automatically defaults to this setting.
MA2700 Handheld: Press this button when using the Anritsu MA2700A for interference hunting.
External Antenna Self-Test: Press to run the External Antenna Self-Test. The MA2700A Self-test dialog opens and runs various power tests, link tests, and a Serial Flash test. The test window is dismissed if you touch the screen outside the window area.
External Compass Calibration: Opens the Compass Calibration menu and the calibration display screen. Follow the onscreen instructions.
Back: Returns to the Direction Finding menu.
Antenna Bearing Offset
Adjusts the antenna bearing line in the same direction as the directional antenna.
Press the button and enter a value between -180 and 180 then select the direction of the offset by pressing either the Degrees Clockwise terminator button or the Degrees Counter-clockwise terminator button.
Note: Clockwise is from the top (0°) to the right (90°), then down (180 or -180), and then to the left (-90°), and back up to the top .
This allows the user to:
Correct for local magnetic anomalies that are not accounted for in the True North from Magnetic North correction.
Use an antenna null, rather than the main lobe.
Use an antenna where the main lobe doesn't point in the same direction as the MA2700A.
Antenna Preamp On Off
When set to On, the preamplifier for the MA2700A is activated and the firmware will attempt to turn on the instrument’s preamp based on current instrument settings. When set to Off, the MA2700A preamp is bypassed and the instrument’s preamp is turned off.
Note: The instrument preamp can be turned on and off independently of the MA2700A preamp. Refer to Amplitude Menu.