Mobile InterferenceHunter Help : Loading Maps : Loading Maps Into MIH
Loading Maps Into MIH
Loading or creating a map is essential when using the Mobile Interference Hunter. Ready-made maps are available for cities throughout the world on the Anritsu website. Visit and search for Maps. Alternately, construct your own maps using the brief instructions provided in the following sections for each mapping solution, or by visiting the map provider’s website for their latest features.
Mapping solutions available using Mobile InterferenceHunter:
OpenStreetMap™ – See Using OpenStreetMap.
Map Puzzle – See Install Map Puzzle™.
Baidu Maps – See Using Baidu Maps.
Map Image Maps – See Map Image Files (User Provided).
Load a Map Into Mobile InterferenceHunter
After selecting a map source, load the user defined map as follows.
1. Click, drag, and drop the downloaded map file onto the Mobile InterferenceHunter program screen.
The downloaded map cannot be dropped directly on top of a Baidu Map.
2. Open the downloaded map from the Mobile InterferenceHunter Settings menu as follows:
From the main menu:
3. Click: Settings | Map Source | Open Source Maps (User provided) (see Figure: Map Source)
4. Browse to your download folder.
5. Open the file.