Mobile InterferenceHunter Help : Loading Maps : Map Image Files (User Provided)
Map Image Files (User Provided)
MIH creates a location on the PC to store and retrieve MIH map files: C:\[user documents folder]\Anritsu MapFiles. Although the user is not limited to this location, this is the location MIH looks to find map files.
The Open Map Image File (User provided) menu selection provides a browse menu for the user to select a previously loaded JPG or PNG file. If the user selects a file not previously loaded, they will be requested to enter the GPS coordinates of the corners of the map. See Enter Map Edge Coordinates.
Installed Map Image File menu selection provides quick access and opens a sub-menu that lists all of the JPG and PNG files in the Anritsu MapFiles folder. See Figure: Installed Map Image Files. The user can immediately search for and open a map file. If it is the first use of the Map Image file, then the user is prompted for the GPS coordinates of the corners. See Enter Map Edge Coordinates.
Installed Map Image Files