Mobile InterferenceHunter Help : MIH Graphical User Interface : Tool Bar
Tool Bar
The toolbar is at the left edge of the Mobile InterferenceHunter application window. Use the Settings | Button Size menu option to adjust the screen size. Each Toolbar button is detailed below.
Start Guided Area Scan™
Guided Area Scan is a search method that looks for an interferer in a general area. The dark lavender shaded area on the drive map indicates areas where more data is required. Guided Area Scan is used more to eliminate areas where the interferer is not likely located, rather than to locate the interferer directly. Begin with this mode and drive a wide area in the direction of the darkest map shading. Once no longer areas of dark shading are visible, switch over to Spot driving mode for a more targeted hunt to the interferer. The button turns yellow when connecting and green when active.
Start data collection
Begins data collection of real-time power and GPS coordinates. When moving, data will display in the Time vs. Power bar graph and breadcrumbs are displayed in the drive map. As a safety feature, the menus in the Menu bar are deactivated and not accessible in the Run mode. If the message “Spectrum Analyzer Not Responding” pops up, there is no connection to an instrument. The button turns yellow when connecting and green when active.
Pause data collection
Stops data collection and communication between the computer and Spectrum Analyzer. Click this button at the end of an interferer hunt or to halt data collection. An example for pausing data collection is going over an overpass will increase the received power even though you are not closer to the RF source. The menus in the Menu bar are reactivated for use.
Clear Data
Click to clear all data collected. Removes all data from the active data set. When hunting interfering sources, some data may be erroneous due to various sources for example attenuation, reflection, multi-path, and fading. As power level increases and direction becomes clearer you may want to purge old data and start fresh. It is recommended that you always clear the data buffers before starting a new hunt.
Zoom In
Click to zoom into the map. This button replaces the Zoom In control within the maps. It is easier to access. The map will recenter in relation to the Green Car.
Zoom Out
This button replaces the Zoom Out control within the maps. The map will recenter in relation to the Green Car.
When active, the auto icon on the map and its location will return to the center of the display window after having moved 50% and beyond the center of the display. Also at this time, the center of the button is green. The button turns green when active. Auto-centering can be turned on before running data collection or during data collection. When Auto-Centering is off, you will have to manually drag the auto icon into view.
Toggle Trace Data
View the spectrum trace. The placement of the spectrum analyzer instrument may not be in a convenient location for viewing when interference hunting. The Instrument Trace button allows you to view the signal within the Mobile InterferenceHunter window. This window will be updated approximately once per second.
Also in this mode, a snapshot of the trace will be taken per measurement taken during data collection and will be stored as a .jpg file. View the traces during a log playback or manually viewing a log file. When scrolling through the signal lines in the Power vs. Time display, the trace associated with that signal line will be displayed in the Instrument Trace Display.