Mobile InterferenceHunter Help : MIH Graphical User Interface
MIH Graphical User Interface
Tool Bar
Menu Bar
File Menu
Export to KML
View Menu
Mode Menu
Settings Menu
Help Menu
Setup Wizard
Mode Setting
Audio Settings
View Preferences (page 1)
View Preferences (page 2)
Performance Settings (page 1)
Performance Settings (page 2)
Connection Setup
Instrument Setup
Check Online for Program Updates
Signal Display Windows
Power vs. Time
Instrument Trace Display
Copy, Save Trace Display
Color Power Meter and Power Scale
Drive Map Display
The Map
The Green Car 
Cross Hairs
Green Arrows
Heat Map
Estimation Circle
Status Bar
The Mobile InterferenceHunter software controls Anritsu Handheld Spectrum Analyzer products that can be run from a Windows-based desktop, laptop, or tablet computer via Ethernet connectivity. The main window is consists of a:
Title bar
Menu bar
Vertical tool bar
Signal display windows
Drive map display
Status bar
Main Window