Mobile InterferenceHunter Help : MIH Graphical User Interface : Menu Bar : Mode Menu
Mode Menu
Guided Area Scan (Initial Perimeter Survey)
Used to establish a general area of where an interfering signal may be found.
Spot Driving: Single Emitter (Standard Operation)
Hunting for a single interfering signal.
Multiple Emitter
Clicking opens a dialog with sliding scale as shown in Figure: Multiple Emitter Mode. Enter the height (in dB) that a peak must rise above a local minimum on either side to be considered an emitter source.
Multiple Emitter Mode
1. Signal Peak
2. Car Position Slider
3. Peak Signal Location
Signal Peak
The signal peak is the strongest signal that rises above the threshold of the nearest minimum power point of either side of the peak signal. This peak signal would be an emitter signal.
Car Position Slider
Move the bar with the mouse pointer to scan the signal strengths. Move the car through the breadcrumbs to find the location of the peak signal.
Peak Signal Location
The peak signal locations highlighted in the bar graph are identified by the red X on the map.
Spectrum Clearing
Opens the dialog and sliding scale as shown in Figure: Spectrum Clearing Mode Screen. The colored power scale appears at the top right corner of the user screen disappears.
Type the threshold power in dBm. The threshold power level entered is represented by a horizontal line across the channel power display as shown in Figure: Spectrum Clearing Mode Screen. The breadcrumbs will be red (above threshold) or green (below threshold).
Screen images are automatically saved when the threshold is exceeded.
Spectrum Clearing Mode Screen
Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA)
Use TDOA to locate interference sources and other modulated broadcasters. TDOA is not a driving mode like the other modes mentioned above. For TDOA, you must stop the car to perform the measurement. You must also have access to at least three remote spectrum monitors (MS2710xA). Note that one MS2710xA can be used as a spectrum analyzer for normal interference hunting. Refer to Setting Up TDOA.