Mobile InterferenceHunter Help : MIH Graphical User Interface : Signal Display Windows : Instrument Trace Display
Instrument Trace Display
Instrument Trace Display
Click the Display Instrument Trace button in the Toolbar to toggle this window on and off. It is off by default and not visible unless you turn it on. The placement of the spectrum analyzer instrument may not be in a convenient location for viewing when interference hunting. The Instrument Trace Display allows you to view the signal within the Mobile InterferenceHunter window. This window will update approximately once per second.
To view a larger version of this trace, double click on the Instrument Trace Display and the trace on the instrument will display in the Drive Map Display window. Therefore, no mapping or mapping data collection occurs. This window will be updated approximately 4 times per second. Click on the Drive Map Display window once and the Drive Map will return and mapping data collection resumes. This feature slightly affects the frequency of updates of the Power vs. Time bar graph and audio tones if turned On.
Instrument Display in the Main Window