Mobile InterferenceHunter Help : Hunting Interference Signals : Using TDOA : TDOA Toolbar
TDOA Toolbar
The TDOA’s menu toolbar descriptions are listed in Table: TDOA ToolBar.
TDOA ToolBar
Mobile InterferenceHunter - TDOA
This program icon is located at the top-left corner of the Source Locator GUI screen. Click provides GUI display screen-view sizing and positioning choices.
Restore: Resets the screen display to the default view. This selection is active only after Maximize has been selected and the GUI screen is in a full screen mode. Restore is normally grayed and becomes available after Maximize is active.
Move: Move the display screen.
Size: Click a corner of the display and resize the display by dragging the corner.
Minimize: Minimizes the screen to the bottom tray. Click it from the tray to view the screen display.
Maximize: Maximize the screen to full size.
Close: Closes the screen display.
Starts the TDOA tracking.
Removes all measurement and map tracking results.
Generates a TDOA report that includes the probe information, search parameters and the current displayed map results.
Opens a dialog box to enter the name of a file to save everything shown as a configuration file (*.cfg). Save does not save the results that appear in the Mobile Tracker Index-Latitude-Longitude box. Can also save the most recent IQ captures data as Binary IQ Data (*.IQ).
Search and load a saved configuration file.