SpectraVision™ Software : Spectrum Measurement : Masks
The Masks feature is used to trigger alarms by defining a certain mask in the spectrum. This can be done by various types of masks. After defining and activating a mask it will recognize every hit by the spectrum and fire the alarm.
General Functions
The following screen provides the masks mode working pane.
Mask Mode
Spectrum Settings
The spectrum settings are the same as in the spectrum mode. (See General Setup). Only the reference level of the device can be changed here.)
Enable Mask Settings
If enabled, you can add, delete or modify masks but cannot modify device settings.
If disabled, you are able to modify device settings but cannot add, delete or modify masks.
Mask Settings
This window maintains the masks. It can be dragged around or minimized.
Spectrum Chart Controls
The spectrum chart controls are the same as in the spectrum mode.
Adding New Masks
For defining new masks, enable the mask settings and select the New tab. Figure: Adding a New Mask shows the resulting view.
Adding a New Mask
First, define the name of the mask. The email address(es) of the people to be notified in the event of a mask violation can be entered in the E-mail receiver box. If you enter a number greater than “0” in the “Email interval” field, you will get a new notification email if a new violation was triggered after this interval.
To use the email feature, an email server will first need to be set up. See Setting Up Email Server.
If you change the mask type you will see the changes in the chart as shown in Figure: Mask Changes Directly by Changing Settings.
Mask Changes Directly by Changing Settings
Setting Up Email Server
Make sure that you have set up the E-Mail Server settings before enabling the E-Mail notification feature.
1. Click the three horizontal bars in the top right corner of the SpectraVision Window.
2. Click Notifications. The setup panel for the email server opens on the left or the SpectraVision Window.
3. Fill in the setup parameters for the email server. Consult with your IT administrator if you have questions regarding this setup.
Set E-mail Notification Settings
By activating the mask it will be stored into the database. From now on, you will be notified in the event of a mask violation.
The green mask areas indicate that the system is working properly (Figure: Green Masks Indicate No Violations). The mask settings window is then replaced by the statistics window, containing the mask violations counter.
If a signal violates the mask, the corresponding mask turns red as shown in Figure: The Lower Mask was Violated; Measurement Continues. An email notification will be sent. If you want to reactivate the mask you must reset the current alarm and activate the mask again.
Loading a mask changes the settings of the device, because the mask settings include the device settings.
Green Masks Indicate No Violations
The Lower Mask was Violated; Measurement Continues