1. Press the Freq/Dist main menu key, then press Distance if the menu is collapsed.
2. Press the Units key if needed to select the measurement system, foot or metric.
3. Press the Start Distance submenu key and use the virtual keypad to enter the value in the edit box.
4. Press one of the unit keys as appropriate to apply the entered value and close the edit box.
To exit without making a change, press Esc to cancel the entry, and Esc again to close the edit box.
5. Press the Stop Distance submenu key and use the keypad to enter the value in the edit box, then press one of the unit keys to apply.
6. To access and change other DTF parameters, press the DTF Aid key, then select a parameter in the table and press Edit.
Many of the same parameters are available under the DTF Setup submenu. Refer to
DTF Measurement.