The instrument calibration status and type are displayed in the upper left of the user interface screen. When User Cal is on, the calibration method in Active Cal Settings (defined under Cal Info) is shown in parentheses:
RFP1 - OSL Reflection (1-port) TRES - Transmission (using an External Sensor) 2PES - OSL + Transmission (Ext Sensor)
The following status descriptions are representative of the indicators and messages you may see on the interface screen. They are not a complete list of all possible combinations of measurement types and calibration methods.
User Cal OK (RFP1)
The Site Master has been calibrated for an OSL measurement (RFP1) and User Cal is on. The User Cal status indicates the active Cal Type is Standard, meaning that frequency adjustments require user calibration to be turned off. Refer to Calibration Types.
iUser Cal OK (RFP1)
The instrument has been calibrated for an OSL measurement (RFP1) and User Cal is on. The iUser Cal status indicates the active Cal Type is Flex, meaning that frequency adjustments are allowed while user calibration is on.
User Cal OK (RFP1)
The instrument has been calibrated for an OSL measurement (RFP1) and User Cal is on. However, it does not apply to Transmission measurements (Calibration Off status displayed in red above the Transmission measurement trace window).
User Cal OK (TRES)
The instrument has been calibrated for a Transmission measurement (TRES) and User Cal is on. The factory default 1‑Port ReadyCal is automatically applied to all other measurement types.
User Cal OFF
User Cal is off and the factory default 1‑Port ReadyCal is applied to all measurement types except Transmission (Ext Sensor).
User Cal OFF
User Cal is off and the measurement type is Transmission (Ext Sensor).
User Cal --
The instrument has not been manually calibrated and the factory default ReadyCal is automatically applied to all measurement types except Transmission (Ext Sensor).
User Cal --
The instrument has not been manually calibrated and calibration is off for Transmission measurements.