Vision™ MX280001A Software Help : General Information : Introduction : Instrument and Options
Instrument and Options
The available instrument and Vision enabled options are listed in Table: Instrument and Vision Enabled Options.
Instrument and Vision Enabled Options
MS2710xA-0400 Vision Monitor Enabled1
MS2710xA-0401 Vision Locate Enabled (requires Option 400 above)
MS2710xA-0407 Vision Port Scanner Enabled
MS2710xA-0486 Vision Coverage Mapping (requires Option 407)
MS27201A-0400 Vision Monitor Enableda
MS27201A-0407 Vision Port Scanner Enabled
MS2090A-0400 Vision Monitor Enableda
MS2090A-0407 Port Scanner Enabled

1 Option 400, Vision Monitor Enabled, now includes the measurements that were formally offered in
Option 479, Vision AM Demodulation/FM Deviation, and Option 485, Vision Spectrum Occupancy.