Vision™ MX280001A Software Help : General Information : Installing Vision : Vision Programs
Vision Programs
Once the applications are installed, they can be accessed via desktop shortcuts or from the Windows Start menu. Two programs are available: Vision Acquire and Vision Monitor.
Start Menu Desktop Icons
Press the Vision Monitor icon to display the opening screen as shown in Figure: Vision Software Suite Opening Screen.
Vision Software Suite Opening Screen
1. Menu Tabs: Four menu tabs are available: Favorites, Applications, Measurements, and Utilities.
2. Title Bar: Displays the MX280001A Vision Software Suite.
3. Menu Bar: The menu bar contains submenus that apply for each opened menu tab.
4. Database: Provides the active folder/file path.
5. User Interface Window: Each menu and submenu provides the user interface in this window.
6. Title Bar Utilities: Provides a pop-out active window button image capture, and Help menu.
7. Displays the title of the active menu or submenu.