Vision™ MX280001A Software Help : General Information : Database Conversion
Database Conversion
"Older versions of Vision (2018.9.1 and earlier) used a different database format. If you have archived data files and want to recover that data, you will need to convert the database to the newer format. To convert your data, use the Vision Database Converter. This can be launched from the Utilities|Settings menu page." If you choose to continue to update Vision software, a Vision Database Converter will appear as shown in Figure: Vision Database Converter Dialog.
Vision Database Converter Dialog
The Vision Database Converter performs the database conversion with your selected preferences to convert the old Vision database (.mdb) to the new SQLite format (.db).
The database conversion selections are:
Database Path
Click the default path that appears or browse to enter a database path.
Copy trace data into the new data tables
Click this check box to copy the trace data accumulated into the new data tables. Note that copying a large set of trace files may consume a lot of time.
Automatically move old database files to an archive file
Click this check box to automatically move old data files to an archive folder.
Convert databases in sub-directories
Clicking this check box will convert only one level deep sub-directories.