Vision™ MX280001A Software Help : Occupancy : Occupancy Reports : Owner Lists
Owner Lists
The last column in the Occupancy Report shows the assigned owners for each sub-channel. This is for reference. This column can be edited by clicking in the column and typing the desired information. An Owner List must be loaded each time you generate a report, as the report comes directly from the database, which does not contain information about channel assignments or ownership. If you have edited the Owner List inside the Occupancy Report Generator, be sure to Save the list before closing the window or generating a new report, otherwise, your edits may be lost.
Under the Report menu are two options for exporting the report to a standard disk file.
Export to Browser
Opens the Save As dialog to save the created HTML file to the desired folder. Then the file will open in the default web browser. This is a convenient way to store reports so that they can be called up and reviewed at later times. The Report Generator does not have an internal Print function, so hard copies are most easily generated by exporting and printing from the web browser. See Export to Browser.
Export to CSV
Opens the Save As dialog to save the created .csv file to the desired folder. Click Save immediately saves the file to the desired folder. To view the CSV file, import the report into a spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel. See Figure: Generate Report (Excel Format).
Generate Report (Excel Format)
Export to Browser
From the Report menu, Export to Browser command results are shown in Figure: Export to Browser (HTML).
Export to Browser (HTML)
Include Graphs in Web Report
From the Report menu, Include Graphs in Web Report command results are shown in Figure: Include Graphs in Web Report.
Include Graphs in Web Report
Pass/Fail Report
From the Report menu, Show by Pass/Fail Results command results are shown in Figure: Pass/Fail Report.
Pass/Fail Report