Vision™ MX280001A Software Help : Trace Acquire : Trace Acquire Program
Trace Acquire Program
From the Utilities menu, locate the Trace Acquire Menu button as shown in Figure: Trace Acquire Button.
Trace Acquire Button
Open Trace Acquire
Press the Trace Acquire menu button to display the user interface shown below in Figure: Trace Acquire User Interface.
Trace Acquire User Interface
1. Sweep Monitors/Stop Sweeping Button
2. Sweep Monitor Time Setting
3. Email Notification Window
4. Help
5. Open File Folder
6. Scheduler
7. View Log
8. Archive
9. Compress
10. Trim
11. Monitor Process Status Indicator
12. Database Path
13. Sweep Once
14. Archive Every List / Next Archive date and time
15. Automatically archive trace tables check box
16. Automatically remove old traces check box
17. Logical Processors Readout
18. Max. number of threads label