Vision™ MX280001A Software Help : Trace Monitor/Trace Viewer : Base Station and Channel Directory
Base Station and Channel Directory
The monitors can be organized into groups as shown in Figure: Base Station and Channel Directory. The list on the left contains the names of the Base Station spectrum monitor groups. Columns numbered one through twelve are the spectrum monitor channels.
Base Station and Channel Directory
Monitor Groups
Organize the target receiver channel directory as described below. Refer to Figure: Monitor Groups Configurations.
1. Right-click on any monitor in the Monitor list.
2. Point to the Monitor Groups submenu.
3. Click Show Groups.
This will cause the Monitor list to be displayed differently. You can collapse and expand groups. Groups are logical sets of monitors, arranged any way that is convenient, whether geographically, by modulation type, or by the person or organization in charge of maintenance.
Monitor Groups Configurations
Base Station Status Indicators
The Base Station status indicators are described in Table: Base Station Status Indicators.
Base Station Status Indicators
These bars represent channels and indicates the varying passing percentages of traces within the channel.
Three foreground colors
Green: 90 % or more passing
Tan: 65 % or more passing
Red: Less than 65 % passing
Two background colors
White: Most recent trace passed
Pink: Most recent trace failed
The light blue outline indicates the current channel selected. The last trace collected from the spectrum monitor will be displayed in the Trace Preview Panel, highlighted as a yellow line in the Spectrogram Pane, and outlined as a white square box in the Trace Matrix panel. In the Monitor Map view, the spectrum monitor and channel will be indicated as a bouncing pin.
The bars outlined in red indicate the last trace collected for that channel failed.
Multiple channels that have been selected are outlined in dark blue. These channels are used with the Open Trace Viewer Window feature or with the Location Finder feature.