Vision™ MX280001A Software Help : TDoA Locate (Option 401) : Using TDoA : Monitor Settings
Monitor Settings
The Monitor Settings section provides text boxes to type or enter the monitor setting parameters. The Monitor 1, Monitor 2, and Monitor 3 identify the communication setting parameters for each monitor as shown in Figure: Monitor Settings.
Monitor Settings
The Monitor Settings section is described in Table: Monitor Settings and Control Buttons.
Monitor Settings and Control Buttons
Monitor 1,2,3:
Identifies each receiver. Each receiver label is a button. Click each monitor label to display its RMS Status dialog as shown below. The receiver Status dialog provides details of each monitor as shown:
Model: The model of the receiver.
Options: The receiver options installed.
Serial #: The serial number of the receiver.
Firmware: The firmware installed.
GPS: Indicates the GPS as GOOD FIX (Strong GPS signal connected). NO FIX (GPS signal is too weak or none found). The receiver coordinates are displayed.
Target receiver in use: Flag indicating the receiver is in use and also displays the end-user. In this case the end user is the Simulator. If the receiver is not in use, the flag will indicate – receiver is available for use.
Type in the Host name settings. The URL Hostname is the communication link to the Remote Spectrum Monitors.
Type or select the monitor channel.
Ref Level
Type or select the receiver Reference Level.

Select the Preamp check box to activate the Preamp for each monitor.

Delay (ns)
Type or select a delay time. The delay time selections are in nano seconds.