Vision™ MX280001A Software Help : TDoA Locate (Option 401) : Using TDoA : Mobile Tracker
Mobile Tracker
The Mobile Tracker shows a location table for a mobile interferer with locations at a number of index points. You can also export this data to a KML for use in a mapping program or to upload a user selected map. The Mobile Tracker section is shown in Figure: Mobile Tracker.
Mobile Tracker
The TDoA Mobile Tracker section is described in Table: Mobile Tracker.
Mobile Tracker
Track Mobile Targets
Click the check box to track mobile targets. This will put a marker on the map indicating a moving source position and will continue to track it when within the monitor range.
Average Count
Type or enter the number of completed sweeps before the Mobile Tracker identifies a moving object and tracks the target on the map.
Export to KML
Export to a KML file.
Index-Latitude-Longitude Box
Click the Track Mobile Targets check box initiates tracking when a source is identified and assigns an index number. The signals latitude and longitude is recorded. The event is sequenced with a new index number for each occurrence per the amount of count averaging selected until the source is no longer within the receiver range or the flight has terminated.