Vision™ MX280001A Software Help : Scan Viewer : Location Type : Trace View Buttons
Trace View Buttons
The Scan Viewer Trace View toolbar is located at the top right corner of the trace display. The trace view buttons shown in Figure: Trace View Toolbar provide trace sweep viewing options.
Trace View Toolbar
The Trace View buttons are described in Table: Trace View Buttons.
Trace View Buttons
Single Trace
Default view showing only one trace, the last measurement trace taken. See Trace Views.
Density Plot
Live Trace View
A live trace view of a target receiver. Click displays the dialog below. Type the host name of the target receiver to view, enter many Antenna Ports, and click Ok. The antenna port number may not be relevant for the target receiver in use, however, the option is available for users with multi-port target receivers. Scan Viewer updates the sweep trace once per second.
Min Hold Trace
Shows the cumulative minimum value of each display point over many trace sweeps. Can be applied to only one channel monitor in the database. See Trace Views.
Max Hold Trace
Shows the cumulative maximum value of each display point over many trace sweeps. Can be applied to only one channel monitor in the database. See Trace Views.
Average Hold Trace
Shows an exponential average of a number of traces, determined by the number of Averages. Can be applied to only one channel monitor in the database. See Trace Views.
Start / Stop
Click starts or stops play through all the traces sequentially.