Vision™ MX280001A Software Help : Scan Viewer : Outdoor Frequency Coverage Mapping Example
Outdoor Frequency Coverage Mapping Example
Use the following steps to configure a typical measurement setup for an outdoor GPS-assisted, multi-frequency coverage mapping. Option 407 (Port Scanner) and 486 (Coverage Mapping) are required.
1. Connect the target receiver to a 12V DC power supply, such as a car’s 12V accessory plug.
2. Connect the GPS antenna.
3. Establish an IP connection between the target receiver unit and your laptop.
4. Start the Vision Option 407 Port Scanner software on your laptop.
5. Configure the measurement setup. See Port Scanner (Option 407).
6. Start driving and use the multi-screen capability to display all measured frequencies at the same time.
7. Display the measurement results afterwards and create your report.
Figure: Port Scanner Setup shows a typical setup for a measurement of the down-link channels of several LTE 800 MHz cellular systems and several TETRA systems. Adapt the settings to your needs and save your setup.
Port Scanner Setup