Selecting a power level sweep range consists of choosing a start and stop level for the power level.
You can select a power level sweep range as follows:
1. Edit the current start and stop power level parameter values.
2. Enter new start and stop power level parameter values.
3. Set one of the preset power level sweep range parameters. The sweep parameters are paired as (L1-L2, L3-L4, L5-L6, L7-L8, or L9-L0).
Entering New Start/Stop Power Levels
To edit the current power level sweep range, press the START or STOP power level parameter. Pressing L1, L3, L5, L7 or L9 opens the start power level parameter and L2, L4, L6 L8, L0 opens the stop power level parameter.
Edit the open power level parameter using the cursor control keys or the rotary data knob. When you are finished, close the open parameter by pressing its menu edit soft key or by making another menu selection.
Selecting a Preset Power Level Sweep Range
There are five preset power level sweep range parameters selectable in the power level sweep modes. These preset power level sweep range parameters are L1-L2, L3-L4, L5-L6, L7-L8, and L9-L0.
Select one of the preset power level sweep ranges.
From the SETUP menu shown in Figure: SWEEP LEVEL SETUP Menu press the desired PRESET SWEEP RANGES button and then toggle the LEVEL SWEEP button on to start the power level sweep.