This section provides a brief overview of the available options covered in this guide.
Not all instrument models offer every option. Some options are available as a time-limited trial. For example, 2-Port Transmission measurement (Option 21) option is offered as a 90-day time-limited option by ordering Option 9021. The option start time begins when the user first activates the option. Please refer to the Technical Data Sheet of your instrument for information on purchasing and activating time-limited options.
The cable and antenna analyzer mode uses an external Site Masterâ„¢ S331P instrument (sold separately) to facilitate cable and antenna measurements using Field Master Series as the host controller. MS2085A/89A Site Master instruments do not require S331P to make cable and antenna measurements, because they are built with an internal cable and antenna analyzer.
Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) Measurement (Option 3)
The TDR option complements the Distance-to-Fault (DTF) measurement by providing additional information about reflections in a transmission line. The resistive, capacitive and inductive component of individual reflections can be identified which provides an additional insight about the nature of the reflection. Refer to Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) Measurements (Option 3), for more information.
The 2-port transmission measurement is used to verify the performance of tower-mounted amplifiers, and duplexers, and to verify antenna isolation between two sectors. The excellent dynamic range makes it suitable for repeaters as well. The second port is a selective receiver which provides up to 100 dB dynamic range which makes it possible to test the band pass filters common on many networks. For information refer to Transmission (2-port) Measurement (Option 21).