5GNR Analyzer Measurement Guide : 5GNR Analyzer (Option 888) : 5GNR Summary and OTA (Multi PCI)
5GNR Summary and OTA (Multi PCI)
To select 5GNR summary measurement go to main menu and press MEASURE > MEASUREMENT >5GNR Summary. The 5GNR summary measurements are set up using the SETUP Menu (5GNR Summary). The 5GNR summary measurements are used for compliance testing of 5GNR networks and can evaluate active antenna systems for beamforming profiles and dynamic physical layer attributes of the transmitted signal.
The instrument can analyze a single physical-layer cell or multiple physical-layer cells at one time. The following considerations apply to each measurement.
Single PCI:
Better for conducted measurements, directional antenna measurements, or if only one cell is present.
Only one cell is reported. If multiple cells are present, the analysis may jump to different cells based on which cell presents the highest RSRP value at each measurement cycle, or not analyze any of the cells.
Multi PCI:
Better sync in over the air field conditions.
Multiple Cells can be reported and sorted on various measurement parameters.
This section illustrates several 5GNR summary measurements using both single PCI and multi PCI analysis techniques.
5GNR Summary Single Beam View
5GNR summary measurements in single beam view provide the same information as the multi beam view with added measurements as described in Figure: 5GNR Summary – Single Beam View.
5GNR Summary – Single Beam View
1. 5GNR Analyzer Status Panel: Each measurement features a unique status panel that displays settings and information relevant to the current measurement and view settings. This panel provides quick access to the measurement frequency, subcarrier spacing, channel bandwidth, and band configuration. See Status Panel (5GNR Summary).
2. BEAM: This field indicates the current beam summary page. A maximum of 64 beams (numbered 0 to 63) can be individually displayed in single beam view. You can cycle through the beam pages using the left/right (</>) arrows or touch the number to select the desired beam.
3. MIN EVM BEAM: This field shows which beam measures lowest error vector magnitude (EVM).
4. SINGLE/MULTI BEAM: This field shows the current view setting. Touch this field to toggle between SINGLE BEAM or MULTI BEAM views. You can also change the view setting from the MEASURE menu.
5. SYNC/DEMOD: Valid 5GNR measurements require the signal synchronization and demodulation. The indicators here blink green when the received signal is synchronized and properly demodulated, indicating that you have a valid measurement.
6. Channel Summary: For the current beam, shows the average error vector magnitude (EVM), peak EVM (@ subcarrier/symbol) and received power in dBm for each block measurement:
PSS: The primary synchronization signal provides the primary frame boundary
(i.e., the position of the first symbol in the frame).
SSS: Similar to PSS, the secondary synchronization signal provides the secondary sub-frame boundary.
PBCH: This is the physical broadcast channel, the main purpose of which is to carry the broadcast information block.
PBCH-DMRS: In 5GNR measurements, the PBCH decoding relies on a demodulation reference signal (DMRS, which is a physical layer reference signal used for decoding) rather than a cell specific reference signal (CRC).
7. Sync Signal (SS) Summary Data: Shows the following synchronization signal summary data for the current beam:
SS-RSRP: Secondary synchronization signal reference signal received power measured in dBm.
SS-RSRQ: Secondary synchronization signal reference signal received quality measured in dB.
SS-SINR: Secondary synchronization signal-to-noise and interference ratio measured in dB.
SS-RSSI: Secondary synchronization signal reference signal received indicator measured in dBm.
8. Frequency Error: This section shows the frequency error of all the measured signals. It is the difference between the measured carrier frequency and the specified carrier frequency. This measurement is only as accurate as the frequency reference that is used and is typically only useful with a good external frequency reference or GNSS (GPS). It consists of the following data:
Count: The total number of frequency measurements included in the averaging measurement.
Average: The average value of all frequency measurements made.
Standard Deviation: The measure of the spread of frequency measurements. The standard deviation is the average difference of all measurements from the average frequency measurement. Typically 68% of all measurements will fall within the standard deviation value shown.
Minimum: The single lowest frequency value measured.
Maximum: The single highest frequency value measured.
9. PCI Summary: This section shows the physical cell ID summary data, including the sector ID, cell group number, frequency error, time offset, and sync status. Sync status can indicate if there is a PSS, SSS, or Beam Index failure, Full Sync, or an Unknown condition. Also noted is the instrument’s reference clock accuracy of Internal, External, or GNSS (GPS) high accuracy (requires GPS
5GNR Summary Multi Beam View
The following measurement is set up to display 5GNR summary data in a multiple beam view. In multi beam view, a maximum of eight beams can be displayed at once on a single page. The instrument can capture data for as many as 64 beams in a total of eight pages.
5GNR Summary – Multi Beam View
1. 5GNR Analyzer Status Panel: Each measurement features a unique status panel that displays settings and information relevant to the current measurement and view settings. This panel provides quick access to the measurement frequency, sub-carrier spacing, channel bandwidth, and band configuration. See Status Panel (5GNR Summary).
2. PAGE: This field indicates the current multi beam page. A maximum of eight pages (numbered 1 through 8) with eight beams (numbered 0 to 63) on each page can be displayed in multi beam view. You can cycle through the pages using the left/right (</>) arrows or touch the number to select the desired page.
3. MIN EVM BEAM: This field shows which beam measures the lowest error vector magnitude (EVM).
4. SINGLE/MULTI BEAM: This field shows the current view setting. Touch this field to toggle between SINGLE BEAM or MULTI BEAM views. You can also change the view setting from the MEASURE menu.
5. SYNC/DEMOD: Valid 5GNR measurements require the signal synchronization and demodulation. The indicators here blink green when the received signal is synchronized and properly demodulated, indicating that you have a valid measurement.
6. Sync Signal Data: For each beam, the following synchronization signal summary data is displayed:
SS-RSRP: Secondary synchronization signal reference signal received power is defined as the linear average over the power contributions of the resource elements that carry secondary synchronization signals )measured in dBm).
SS-RSRQ: Secondary synchronization signal reference signal received quality measured in dB.
SS-SINR: Secondary synchronization signal-to-noise and interference ratio is defined as the linear average of the noise and interference power contribution over the resource elements carrying secondary synchronizing signals with the same frequency bandwidth.
SS-RSSI: Secondary synchronization signal reference signal received indicator measured in dBm.
7. Beam Display: This area shows the received signal strength of each beam as a vertical bar. The top of the bar is annotated with the maximum signal strength (in dBm). The number of beams displayed depends on how many beams are defined by the band configuration. From 1 to 8 beams can be displayed at once on a page. When more than 8 beams are measured, additional beams can be accessed from additional pages. The beams are numbered from 0 up to 63. If you touch a beam, the view changes to display the selected beam in single beam view.
8. PCI Summary: This area shows the physical cell ID summary data, including the sector ID, cell group number, frequency error, time offset (time offset value is the difference in time between the measured start of the 5G frame and the GPS 1 second clock pulse. If the time offset value is shown with an asterisk symbol then it means that either a Grand Master Clock (GMC) time offset or a time delay offset have been applied. The time offset value without an asterisk symbol signifies that no time offset corrections have been applied), and sync status. Also noted is the instrument’s reference clock accuracy of Internal, External, or GNSS (GPS) high accuracy (requires GPS).
Calculating Sync Signal Summary data
Secondary synchronization signal reference signal received quality (SS-RSRQ) is defined as the ratio of N×SS-RSRP / NR carrier RSSI, where N is the number of resource blocks (RB) in the NR carrier RSSI measurement bandwidth. The measurements in the numerator and denominator shall be made over the same set of resource blocks.
RSSI definition in the standard:
New Radio (NR) carrier Received Signal Strength Indicator (NR carrier RSSI), comprises the linear average of the total received power (W) observed only in certain OFDM symbols of measurement time resource(s), in the measurement bandwidth, over N number of resource blocks from all sources, including co-channel serving and non-serving cells, adjacent channel interference, thermal noise etc.
Anritsu RSSI calculation:
Narrow band RSSI: Sum (Power of ith symbol of SSB in the SSB BW(total 240 REs)) / 4, i = 0,1,2,3
RSRQ calculation:
RSRQ = SS-RSRP/(Narrow band RSSI / 20), since the number of RBs in SSB is fixed at 20.
5GNR Summary Table View
The 5GNR summary table displays the measured values of carrier frequency which is calculated as the sum of center frequency and frequency error, channel power, SS-RSRP power, occupied bandwidth and PCI ID, as shown in Figure: 5GNR Summary Table View.
5GNR Summary Table View
1. 5GNR Analyzer Status Panel: Each measurement features a unique status panel that displays settings and information relevant to the current measurement and view settings. This panel provides quick access to the frequency error type, subcarrier spacing, channel bandwidth, and band configuration. See Status Panel (5GNR Summary).
2. SUMMARY TABLE: This field indicates the current beam summary page.
Carrier Frequency: The sum of center frequency and frequency error.
Frequency Error: Frequency error is the difference between the received center frequency and the specified center frequency. This is tied to external frequency reference accuracy and is typically useful only with a good external frequency reference. To view average frequency error, select AVERAGE from FREQ ERROR TYPE drop-down in the status panel/SETUP menu.
Channel Power: The total power transmitted within a specified frequency or channel bandwidth.
SS-RSRP: Secondary synchronization signal reference signal received power measured in dBm.
Occupied BW: The bandwidth containing 99% of the total integrated power within the transmitted spectrum around the selected center frequency.
Physical Cell ID: The physical-layer cell ID value.
SETUP Menu (5GNR Summary)
The 5GNR Summary SETUP menu is available in MEASURE > MEASUREMENT > 5GNR Summary > SETUP.
5GNR SETUP Menu (5GNR Summary)
Sets the threshold level that the secondary synchronization signal-to-noise and interference ratio that a beam must overcome to be analyzed.
Selects either frequency division duplex (FDD) or time division duplex (TDD).
Changes the time offset result to correct for the GMC (Grand Master Clock) offset at the gNB antenna when GPS 1 PPS correction is not applied at the gNB antenna plane. The time offset measurement is indicated with an asterisk symbol if the GMC offset is applied.
Sets the straight line distance between the gNB antenna and the instrument receive port when testing OTA. The range can be set from 0.01 m to 50,000 m (approximately 0.3 ft to 164,000 ft) with a resolution of 0.01 (m or ft). The distance to antenna feature is useful in removing the time delay between the amount of time the RF signal travels from the base station to instrument OTA. If the time delay is applied then the time offset measurement value will be indicated by an asterisk symbol.
Sets the distance unit of measure to Meters or Feet.
Selects the frequency error type as either current or average. Shows the current frequency error value when CURRENT is selected. Shows the average of frequency error of all the measured channels. Note that this is only available in 5GNR summary table view.
Presets the SETUP menu to default settings.
Status Panel (5GNR Summary)
The status panel illustrated in this section is unique to the current analyzer and to the particular measurement and view that is selected. Figure: Status Panel (5GNR Summary Measurement) shows the 5GNR status panel that covers the 5GNR Summary measurements (selected via MEASURE> MEASUREMENTS menu).
Status Panel (5GNR Summary Measurement)
SWEEP: Toggles the current sweep setting between continuously or sweep once.
When sweep is set to single sweep, SWEEP ONCE updates the measurement display. Data continues to be captured in the background.
Restarts the average frequency error value of the all the frequency measurements made.
Selects the frequency error type as either current or average. Shows the current frequency error value when CURRENT is selected. Shows the average of frequency error of all the measured channels. Note that this is only available in 5GNR summary table view.
Select MANUAL, GLOBAL ALL or one of the predefined bands. Selecting MANUAL hides ARFCN and GSCN settings. Selecting a predefined band or GLOBAL ALL enables the ARFCN and GSCN settings.
The reference level is the top graticule line to the left on the measurement display.
The scale can be set from 1 dB per division to 15 dB per division. The default setting is 10 dB. Selecting the plus (+) or minus (–) control changes the value by 1. SCALE/DIV is not available when linear y-axis amplitude units are selected.
ARFCN is the Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number. The ARFCN is a unique identification number assigned to each radio channel within a communications spectrum. The ARFCN can be used to calculate the center frequency of the radio channel. The available input range is dependent on the selected band.
Sets the measurement channel bandwidth. The available bandwidth settings depend on the selected band and bandwidth option installed in the instrument. Refer to “Options Settings” in Instrument Overview chapter of the user guide.
GSCN is the Global Synchronization Raster Channel. The GSCN identifies the mapping of the synchronous signal block (SSB). The available input range is dependent on the selected band.
Sets the subcarrier spacing. The available input range is dependent on the selected band.
When the band is set to MANUAL, sets the center frequency of the measurement channel. Changing the center frequency sets the band to MANUAL.
SSB is the Synchronous Signal Block. The SSB Offset sets the frequency offset between the SSB and the overall resource block.
Indicates the current frequency reference source of Internal, External, or GNSS (GPS) Hi Accuracy (requires GPS). The instrument automatically selects the frequency reference in the following order of priority: external, GPS, then the internal time base.
OTA (Multi PCI) Scanner View
To select OTA (Multi PCI) measurement go to main menu and press MEASURE > MEASUREMENT >5GNR OTA (Multi PCI). The OTA (Multi PCI) measurements are set up using the SETUP Menu (OTA (Multi PCI)). The following measurement is set up to display 5GNR summary data of multiple cells in a multiple beam scanner view. In scanner view, a maximum of eight beams can be displayed at once on a single page. The instrument can capture data for as many as 64 beams in a total of eight pages.
5GNR OTA (Multi PCI) – Multiple Beam Scanner View
1. 5GNR Analyzer Status Panel: Each measurement features a unique status panel that displays settings and information relevant to the current measurement and view settings. This panel provides quick access to the measurement frequency, subcarrier spacing, channel bandwidth, and band configuration. See Status Panel (5GNR OTA (Multi PCI)).
2. PAGE: This field indicates the current multi beam page. A maximum of eight pages (numbered 1 through 8) with eight beams (numbered 0 to 63) on each page can be displayed in multi beam view. You can cycle through the pages using the left/right (</>) arrows or touch the number to select the desired page.
3. Ascending/Descending Sort: This field selects the sort order of the selected value. The beam data is sorted from left to right in either ascending or descending order of magnitude.
4. SS-RSRP, SS-SINR, PCI, SS-RSRQ, SS-EVM, Beam Index, Time Offset, SS-RSSI: Selects on which value to sort.
5. PCI Summary Data: For each beam, the following synchronization signal summary data is displayed:
PCI: Physical-layer cell identity.
Beam: Beam index number.
SS-RSRP: Secondary synchronization signal reference signal received power measured in dBm.
SS-RSRQ: Secondary synchronization signal reference signal received quality measured in dB.
SS-SINR: Secondary synchronization signal-to-noise and interference ratio measured in dB.
SS-RSSI: Secondary synchronization signal reference signal received indicator measured in dBm.
SS-EVM: Error vector magnitude measured in percentage.
Time Offset: Time difference between the measured start of the 5GNR frame and the 10 ms frame trigger, which is automatically synchronized to GNSS (GPS) when the instrument has GNSS (GPS) lock.
6. Beam Display: This area shows the received signal strength of each beam as a vertical bar. The top of the bar is annotated with the maximum signal strength (in dBm). The number of beams displayed depends on how many beams are defined by the band configuration. From 1 to 8 beams can be displayed at once on a page. When more than 8 beams are measured, additional beams can be accessed from additional pages. The beams are numbered from 0 up to 63.
OTA (Multi PCI) Table View
The following measurement is set up to display 5GNR OTA (Multi PCI) data in a table view. The OTA (Multi PCI) table view displays the measurement results of every detected beam in a single, sortable table.
5GNR OTA (Multi PCI) – Table View 
1. 5GNR Analyzer Status Panel: Each measurement features a unique status panel that displays settings and information relevant to the current measurement and view settings. This panel provides quick access to the measurement frequency, subcarrier spacing, channel bandwidth, and band configuration. See Status Panel (5GNR Summary).
2. PCI: These fields show the physical-layer cell ID value. The values can be sorted in ascending or descending order by tapping the column head.
3. BEAM INDEX: These fields show the beam index value of the corresponding physical-layer cell ID.
4. SS-EVM (%): These fields show the error vector magnitude values of the corresponding physical-layer cell ID and beam index, measured in percentage.
5. SS-RSRP (dBm): These fields show the secondary synchronization signal reference signal received power of the corresponding physical-layer cell ID and beam index, measured in dBm. The values can be sorted in ascending or descending order by tapping the column head.
6. SS-SINR (dBm): These fields show the secondary synchronization signal-to-noise and interference ratio of the corresponding physical-layer cell ID and beam index, measured in dB. The values can be sorted in ascending or descending order by tapping the column head.
7. SS-RSRQ (dB): These fields show the secondary synchronization signal reference signal received quality of the corresponding physical-layer cell ID and beam index, measured in dB.
8. SS-RSSI (dBm): These fields show the secondary synchronization signal reference signal strength indicator of the corresponding physical-layer cell ID and beam index, measured in dBm.
9. Time Offset (µs): Time difference between the measured start of the 5GNR frame and the 10 ms frame trigger, which is automatically synchronized to GNSS (GPS) when the instrument has GNSS (GPS) lock.
OTA (Multi PCI) Time Offset Table View
The following measurement is set up to display the time offset values in a table view. The OTA (Multi PCI) time offset table view displays the measurement results of every detected beam in a single, sortable table.
When measuring the 5G gNB over the air, it is likely that more than one gNB base station will be detected by the instrument. The time offset table shows the absolute time offset for the every detected PCI from all gNB base stations, as well as the relative time offset between any two PCIs.
Absolute time offset values are highlighted in blue colored cells whereas the relative time offset values are highlighted in gray colored cells. The table format is determined by the number of gNB PCIs detected in each measurement cycle.
The relative time offset value indicates the time offset between the two PCIs at a given location of the instrument.
5GNR OTA (Multi PCI) – Time Offset Table View 
SETUP Menu (OTA (Multi PCI))
The 5GNR Summary and OTA (Multi PCI) SETUP menu is available in MEASURE > MEASUREMENT > OTA (Multi PCI) > SETUP.
5GNR SETUP Menu (5GNR Summary and Multi PCI)
Sets the threshold level that the secondary synchronization signal-to-noise and interference ratio that a beam must overcome to be analyzed.
Selects either frequency division duplex (FDD) or time division duplex (TDD).
Presets the SETUP menu to default settings.
Status Panel (5GNR OTA (Multi PCI))
The status panel illustrated in this section is unique to the current analyzer and to the particular measurement and view that is selected.
Figure: Status Panel (5GNR OTA (Multi PCI) Measurement) shows the 5GNR status panel that covers the 5GNR OTA (Multi PCI) measurements (selected via MEASURE> MEASUREMENTS menu).
Status Panel (5GNR OTA (Multi PCI) Measurement) 
SWEEP: Toggles the current sweep setting between continuously or sweep once.
When sweep is set to single sweep, SWEEP ONCE updates the measurement display. Data continues to be captured in the background.
Displays only when TIME OFFSET TABLE is selected in 5GNR OTA (Multi PCI) mode. The absolute time offset values are shown in blue color and the relative values are shown in light and/or dark gray colors.
Select MANUAL, GLOBAL ALL or one of the predefined bands. Selecting MANUAL hides ARFCN and GSCN settings. Selecting a predefined band or GLOBAL ALL enables the ARFCN and GSCN settings.
The reference level is the top graticule line to the left on the measurement display.
The scale can be set from 1 dB per division to 15 dB per division. The default setting is 10 dB. Selecting the plus (+) or minus (–) control changes the value by 1. SCALE/DIV is not available when linear y-axis amplitude units are selected.
ARFCN is the Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number. The ARFCN is a unique identification number assigned to each radio channel within a communications spectrum. The ARFCN can be used to calculate the center frequency of the radio channel. The available input range is dependent on the selected band.
Sets the measurement channel bandwidth. The available bandwidth settings depend on the selected band and bandwidth option installed in the instrument. Refer to “Options Settings” in Instrument Overview chapter of the user guide.
GSCN is the Global Synchronization Raster Channel. The GSCN identifies the mapping of the synchronous signal block (SSB). The available input range is dependent on the selected band.
Sets the subcarrier spacing. The available input range is dependent on the selected band.
When the band is set to MANUAL, sets the center frequency of the measurement channel. Changing the center frequency sets the band to MANUAL.
SSB is the Synchronous Signal Block. The SSB Offset sets the frequency offset between the SSB and the overall resource block.
Indicates the current frequency reference source of Internal, External, or GNSS (GPS) Hi Accuracy (requires GPS). The instrument automatically selects the frequency reference in the following order of priority: external, GPS, then the internal time base.