Site Master has built-in diagnostics that allow you to run a built-in self test. The test results can be viewed on the screen and saved to a log file. To run self test, use the 3-line menu to access DIAGNOSTICS, then select SELF TEST and RUN SELF TEST. Below is a sample list of self tests with passing results:
TEST DATE: 2022-10-11 14:52:47 MDT
System voltage : 15.03 V (expected: 17.55 V, tolerance: 0.00 V)
+3.9V analog supply : 3.99 V (expected: 3.90 V, tolerance: 0.39 V)
+5.7V analog supply : 5.80 V (expected: 5.70 V, tolerance: 0.57 V)
-5.7V analog supply : 5.28 V (expected: 5.70 V, tolerance: 0.57 V)
+24.0V analog supply : 24.99 V (expected: 24.00 V, tolerance: 2.40 V)
Backlight voltage : 20.71 V (expected: 14.25 V, tolerance: 0.00 V)
Backlight current : 0.18 A (expected: 0.20 A, tolerance: 0.20 V)
12.0V for fan : 11.99 V (expected: 12.00 V, tolerance: 1.20 V)
CPU Temperature : 64.1 C
Motherboard Temperature : 46.0 C
Fan speed, percent of full speed : 59 %
Fan speed : 3726 RPM
Temperature at Reference : 41.8 C
+3V3_RF: 3.34 V (expected: 3.30 V, tolerance: 0.33 V)
+5V_PREAMP: 4.94 V (expected: 5.00 V, tolerance: 0.25 V)
+5VA: 5.00 V (expected: 5.00 V, tolerance: 0.50 V)
+3V3_IF: 3.36 V (expected: 3.30 V, tolerance: 0.33 V)
-5V_SW: -4.88 V (expected: -5.00 V, tolerance: 0.60 V)
+3V3_IFA: 2.98 V (expected: 3.00 V, tolerance: 0.30 V)
+3V3IFC: 3.34 V (expected: 3.30 V, tolerance: 0.33 V)
+3V3IF_OUT: 3.30 V (expected: 3.30 V, tolerance: 0.33 V)
+3V3_L02F: 3.26 V (expected: 3.30 V, tolerance: 0.33 V)
SPARE: 0.00 V (expected: 0.00 V, tolerance: 1.00 V)
+1V8D : 1.78 V (expected: 1.80 V, tolerance: 0.18 V)
+3V3_REF: 3.28 V (expected: 3.30 V, tolerance: 0.33 V)
+3V3_10M: 3.24 V (expected: 3.30 V, tolerance: 0.33 V)
+3V3_L01: 3.28 V (expected: 3.30 V, tolerance: 0.33 V)
+3V3_OFFSET: 3.34 V (expected: 3.30 V, tolerance: 0.33 V)
+5V_L01: 4.94 V (expected: -5.00 V, tolerance: 0.50 V)
+1V8_DDS: 1.79 V (expected: 1.80 V, tolerance: 0.18 V)
+3V3_DDS: 3.24 V (expected: 3.30 V, tolerance: 0.33 V)
+5V_REF: 4.96 V (expected: 5.00 V, tolerance: 0.50 V)
+5V_L01OUT: 5.00 V (expected: 5.00 V, tolerance: 0.50 V)
+1V8_L01: 1.79 V (expected: 1.80 V, tolerance: 0.18 V)
+1V8_SR: 1.79 V (expected: 1.80 V, tolerance: 0.18 V)
+1V_ID: 0.49 V (expected: 1.00 V, tolerance: 1.00 V)
Thermal Sensor 2 (Final IF): 43.50 C (expected: 35.00 V, tolerance: 90.00 C)
If any self test fails, try resetting the instrument with a RESET ALL and reboot, and run the test again. If the condition persists, contact your local Anritsu Service Center (