Site Master™ MS2085A/MS2089A User Guide : Instrument Messages and Troubleshooting : Informational Messages
Informational Messages
Acquiring trace normalization data on next sweep
In Title bar, Not Logged, Transient
Audio must be turned on to record.
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient
Audio file size too large, record duration truncated to current capacity
Pop-up, Not Logged, Transient
Battery Over Charge Temperature.
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Persistent
Cannot start measurement without a connected Antenna
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Persistent
Cannot turn power cal on. <Reason>
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient. Reason can be either target power, source power or frequency being out of range.
Calibration abort is not allowed
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient
Cal method <Cal method name> requires <Cal Type>. Switching cal type to <Cal Type>
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient
Calibration temperature range exceeded. User cal has been disabled
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient
Channel list is full, maximum size
In Title bar, Not Logged, Transient
Concatenation has been aborted.
When user aborts concatenation of streaming metadata files
Connecting to access point
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Persistent
Density data not available in playback
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient
External reference detected - switching reference source to external
In Toolbar, Logged, Transient
External reference disconnected – switching reference source to GPS
In Toolbar, Logged, Transient
External reference disconnected – switching reference source to internal
In Toolbar, Logged, Transient
External reference disconnected – switching reference source to Internal High
In Toolbar, Logged, Transient
File Does Not Exist
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient
File Recall Failed
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient
File Recalled Successfully
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient
File Save Failed
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient
File Saved Successfully
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient
File successfully saved as: filename
When saving a file (e.g., trace, setup)
File <filename> import successfully
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient. X represents the filename.
File <filename> export successfully
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient. X represents the filename.
Frequency setting is outside sensor range. Measurement performance is not guaranteed outside the range of sensor. It is recommended to keep start and stop frequencies within range listed on sensor
Pop-up, Not Logged, Transient
Frequency setting is outside InstaCal range. Measurement performance is not guaranteed outside the range of InstaCal. It is recommended to keep start and stop frequencies within range listed on InstaCal
Pop-up, Not Logged, Transient
GPS reference detected - acquiring GPS
In Toolbar, Logged, Transient
GPS reference acquired - switching reference source to GPS
In Toolbar, Logged, Transient
GPS reference disconnected – switching reference source to Internal
In Toolbar, Logged, Transient
GPS reference no longer available – switching reference source to Internal High
In Toolbar, Logged, Transient
High RF Immunity is not allowed with Transmission (Ext) measurements
In Title bar, Logged, Transient
IF Gain Cal completed
In Toolbar, Logged, Transient
Internal High reference no longer valid – switching frequency reference source to Internal
In Toolbar, Logged, Transient
Internal High reference no longer valid – switching time reference source to Internal
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient
Insufficient data. A map point is skipped. Setting a higher distance or increasing sweep time can help.
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Persistent
Initializing the USB VNA...
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient
Input greater than DMax: <value>
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient
IQ STREAM - Sweep paused while IQ stream is in progress
In Title bar, Not Logged, Persistent
IQ CAPTURE - Sweep paused while IQ capture is in progress
In Title bar, Not Logged, Persistent
Language successfully updated to X
In Toolbar, Logged, Transient. X is the selected display language.
Limit recall initiated
When a limit setup file is selected for recall.
Limits are not available for circular graphs
In Toolbar, Not logged, Transient
Logging in csv stopped
In Title bar, Not logged, Transient
Measurement changed. Trace recording stopped
In Toolbar, Logged, Transient
Measurement changed. Trace playback stopped
In Toolbar, Logged, Transient
Measurement changed. Trace recording in csv stopped
In Toolbar, Logged, Transient
Memory Full
Popup, Not Logged, Transient
Memory Full
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient
Model and/or serial number of the device does not match calibration stored. 1-Port ReadyCal will be applied
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient
<Model name of the sensor> USB Instacal connected
In Toolbar, Logged, Transient
<Model name of the sensor> USB Instacal disconnected
In Toolbar, Logged, Transient
Missing GPS data. Ensure good GPS fix or directional antenna connection
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Persistent
New calibration type is not supported by <Cal method name>. Switching cal method to <default cal method name>
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient
No bearing from directional antenna. Check connection and try again
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient
No application loaded. Factory reset required
In Toolbar, Logged, Persistent
<Power sensor model name> Sensor connected
In Toolbar, Logged, Persistent
Outdoor mapping requires GNSS/GPS
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Persistent
Options upgraded. Please restart the instrument to use new features
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient
PCAL step in progress. Cannot run two cal step at a time
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient
Power Calibration in progress
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Persistent
Power Calibration completed <value>
In Toolbar, Logged, Transient. Value can be success or failed
Power Calibration aborted
In Toolbar, Logged, Transient. Value can be success or failed
Point count limited to 4,001 with RF Immunity set to HIGH
In Title bar, Not Logged, Transient
Please wait. Acquiring magnetic data for directional antenna.
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Persistent
Performing receiver cal is not allowed when power cal is not enabled.
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient
Presetting Instrument
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient
Rebooting Instrument
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient
Rebooting instrument into Recovery mode
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient
Recall initiated
When a file is selected for recall
Reset Completed
In Toolbar, Logged, Transient
Resetting Instrument
In Toolbar, Logged, Transient
Restoring calibration settings
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient
Recording In Progress
In Toolbar, Logged, Persistent
Recording Complete. File saved as <filename>
In Toolbar, Logged, Transient
Remove any RF input signal to the external sensor
Pop-up, Not Logged, Transient
RF Attenuation Auto must be OFF or Reference Level must be below -40dBm to enable PreAmp
In Toolbar, Logged, Transient
Successfully concatenated <N> files
When the concatenation of streaming metadata files is complete.
Successfully connected to access point
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient
Screenshot saved
When saving a screenshot is successful
Scale adjusted to accommodate user change
In Toolbar, Not logged, Transient
<setting> range adjusted to accommodate user change
In Toolbar, Not logged, Transient
Self test Passed
In Toolbar, Logged, Transient
Self test Failed
In Toolbar, Logged, Transient
Software update files found on USB
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient
Sensor <model> is not supported
In Toolbar, Logged, Transient
Sensor does not support target power setting
In Toolbar, Logged, Transient
<Source> not within Power Cal range. Power cal has been disabled
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient. Source can be source power, target power or frequency
Stopped saving sweeps after sweep complete
When the save on event triggers are disabled after end-of-sweep.
Stopped saving sweeps after limit crossing
When the save on event triggers are disabled after a limit fails.
Switching Thru device selection to User Offset
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient
Trace normalization ready
In Title bar, Not Logged, Transient
Trigger delay updated to minimum allowable value for selected bandwidth and bit format
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient
The selected mode is not yet available
When an unavailable mode is selected.
Transmission (Ext. Sensor) measurement requires supported USB sensor
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Persistent
USB drive <name> ejected
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient
USB Power Sensor <power sensor model name> detected
In Toolbar, Logged, Transient
USB Power Sensor disconnected
In Toolbar, Logged, Transient
User cable list import successfully
In Title bar, Logged, Transient
Zeroing. Please wait
In Toolbar, Logged, Persistent
Zeroing <sensor>
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Persistent
Zeroing Sensor...
In Toolbar, Logged, Persistent
Zeroing Sensor completed
In Toolbar, Logged, Transient
No sensor connected
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Persistent
USB sensor <model> detected
In Toolbar, Logged, Transient
USB sensor is required for this calibration
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient
USB sensor is required for this calibration. Connect sensor and retry
In Toolbar, Not Logged, Transient
X of Y requested channels created
In Title bar, Not Logged, Transient. X represents the number of user requested channels and Y indicates the total number of channels.
Warning: User Cal must be turned off before Cal TYPE can be changed
Pop-up, Not Logged, Transient