Site Masterâ„¢ MS2085A/MS2089A User Guide : ARRT Software : Connecting to the MS2085A/89A or Simulation Mode
Connecting to the MS2085A/89A or Simulation Mode
Connecting to a networked instrument or to the simulation mode is established via the system menu. If connecting to an instrument, the instrument must first be connected to the network via Ethernet or Wi-Fi and the hostname/ IP address of the instrument must be known.
To connect the ARRT with the instrument or turn on simulation mode follow the steps below:
1. Access the System menu > SYSTEM INFORMATION on the instrument.
2. Open Anritsu remote tool software on your PC and enter either Hostname/IP address in the INSTRUMENT tab. See Figure: Connecting to Instrument using Hostname/IP Address.
3. Click CONNECT/RETRY button to get connected to the instrument
4. Alternatively, to turn on the simulation mode click SIMULATION tab. See Figure: Connecting to Simulation Mode.
5. Choose your instrument from the SIMULATION MODE drop-down list and click START button.
Click ETHERNET SETTINGS to change network settings, if needed.
Connecting to Instrument using Hostname/IP Address
Connecting to Simulation Mode