Resolution Bandwidth (RBW) determines frequency selectivity. The spectrum analyzer traces the shape of the RBW filter as it tunes past a signal. The choice of resolution bandwidth depends on several factors. Filters take time to settle. The output of the filter will take some time to settle to the correct value so that it can be measured. The narrower the filter bandwidth (resolution bandwidth), the longer the settling time needs to be, and therefore, the slower the sweep speed.
The choice of resolution bandwidth will depend upon the signal being measured. If two closely‑spaced signals are to be measured individually, then a narrow bandwidth is required. If a wider bandwidth is used, then the energy of both signals will be included in the measurement. Thus, the wider bandwidth does not have the ability to look at frequencies selectively, but instead simultaneously measures all signals falling within the resolution bandwidth. Therefore, a broadband measurement would include all signals and noise within the measurement bandwidth into a single measurement.
On the other hand, a narrow‑band measurement will separate the frequency components, resulting in a measurement that includes separate peaks for each signal. There are advantages to each. The ultimate decision will depend upon the type of measurement required.
There is always some amount of noise present in a measurement. Noise is often broadband in nature; that is, it exists at a broad range of frequencies. If the noise is included in the measurement, the measured value could be in error (too large) depending upon the noise level. With a wide bandwidth, more noise is included in the measurement. With a narrow bandwidth, less noise enters the resolution bandwidth filter, and the measurement is more accurate. If the resolution bandwidth is narrower, the noise floor will drop on the spectrum analyzer display. As the measured noise level drops, smaller signals that were previously obscured by the noise might now be measurable.
Setting Frequency Bandwidth
1. Press BANDWIDTH on the main menu.
2. Toggle AUTO RBW off to manually change values. If using Auto, refer to the following sections.
3. Set the RBW to achieve the desired resolution and measurement characteristics. Lower values increase resolution and reduce noise, but at the expense of measurement speed. Note that the RTSA will limit RBW settings based on span settings.
Setting Bandwidth Auto Coupling
Both resolution bandwidth and video bandwidth can be coupled to the frequency span automatically, or set manually. When set to Auto RBW, the instrument automatically adjusts the RBW in proportion to the frequency span. The default ratio of the span width to the resolution bandwidth is 100:1 and can be changed as follows:
1. Press BANDWIDTH on the main menu.
2. Press SPAN:RBW and change the coupling value, and then press ACCEPT to enter the value.
When auto‑coupling between the span and RBW is selected (AUTO RBW is toggled on), the bandwidth parameter is displayed normally at the bottom of the graph. If manual RBW is selected (AUTO RBW is toggled off), the bandwidth label at the bottom of the graph is prefixed with the ‘#’ symbol, and resolution bandwidth is set independently of the span.
The RBW range varies with instrument features. Refer to BANDWIDTH Menu and check your technical data sheet for the bandwidth range of your instrument.
When toggled on, the instrument selects the resolution bandwidth based on the current span width. The ratio of span width to RBW can be specified using the SPAN:RBW button. When toggled off (manual), the RBW label at the left edge of the x-axis will be preceded by the “#” symbol.
The current resolution bandwidth is displayed under the RBW button. Once auto RBW is toggled off, the RBW can be changed using the keypad or the slider controls. Bandwidth values increment in a 1:3:10 sequence, from 1 Hz to 3 Hz to 10 Hz or from 10 Hz to 30 Hz to 100 Hz, for example. Refer to your instrument technical data sheet for the resolution bandwidth range.
Displays the ratio between the span and the resolution bandwidth. The default value is 100, meaning that the span will be 100 times the resolution bandwidth. To change the ratio, press this button and use the keypad or slider controls.