The :CALCulate{1-16}:FORMat subsystem commands assign data ports when creating SnP data files. The use of Port 3 and/or Port 4 requires a 4-Port VNA instrument.
I/O Configuration and File Operation Subsystems
Related subsystems for I/O configuration and file operation are:
The command assigns the data port to use when creating an S1P data file on the indicated channel. The use of Port 3 or Port 4 requires a 4-Port VNA instrument.
The query outputs the data port assigned to use when creating an S1P data file on the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters:
<char1> PORT1 | PORT2 | PORT3 | PORT4
Query Parameters
Query Output
Query Output:
<char1> PORT1 | PORT2 | PORT3 | PORT4
Syntax Example
:CALCulate{1-16}:FORMat:S2P:PORT <char1>
The command assigns the data port pair to use when creating an S2P data file on the indicated channel. The use of Port 3 and/or Port 4 requires a 4-Port VNA instrument.
Outputs the data port pair assigned to use when creating an S2P data file on the indicated channel.
This command requires a 4-Port VNA instrument. The command assigns the data port triplet to use when creating an S3P data file on the indicated channel.
The query outputs the data port triplet assigned to use when creating an S3P data file on the indicated channel.