VectorStar™ MS4640A SeriesMicrowave Vector Network Analyzer : SCPI Commands : :CALCulate{1-16}[:SELected]:TDATA Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}[:SELected]:TDATA Subsystem
The :CALCulate{1-16}[:SELected]:TDATA subsystem commands are used to input and report on trace data files.
Trace Subsystems
Related trace subsystems are:
:CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter and :PARameter{1-16} Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter{1-16}:FSIMulator Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter{1-16}:SELect Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}:POLar Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}:PROCessing:ORDer Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}[:SELected]:CONVersion Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}[:SELected]:DATA Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}[:SELected]:FORmat Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}[:SELected]:MATH Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}[:SELected]:MDATA Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}[:SELected]:SMITh Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}[:SELected]:SMOothing Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}[:SELected]:TDATA Subsystem
:DISPlay Subsystem
I/O Configuration and File Operation Subsystems
Related subsystems for I/O configuration and file operation are:
:CALCulate{1-16}:FORMat Subsystem - SnP Data
:CALCulate{1-16}:NXN Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}[:SELected]:DATA Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}[:SELected]:TDATA Subsystem
:FORMat Subsystem
:HCOPy Subsystem
:MMEMory Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}[:SELected]:TDATA:FDATa <block>
The command inputs formatted trace data to display on the active trace on the indicated channel. The query outputs formatted trace data of the active trace on the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<block> data formatted as XML. See definition of <block> or <arbitrary block>.
Query Parameters
<block> data formatted as XML. See definition of <block> or <arbitrary block>.
Default Value
Syntax Example
:CALCulate{1-16}[:SELected]:TDATA:SDATa <block>
The command inputs S-parameter trace data to display on the active trace of the indicated channel. The query outputs S-parameter trace data of the active trace on the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<block> data formatted as XML. See definition of <block> or <arbitrary block>.
Query Parameters
<block> data formatted as XML. See definition of <block> or <arbitrary block>.
Default Value
Syntax Example