The command selects the trace memory display operation for the active trace of the indicated channel where:
• DATA = Display only the current sweep data
• MEM = Display only the memory data
• DTM = Display both the current sweep data and the memory data at the same time.
• DMM = Combine the sweep data and the memory data mathematically using a addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division and display only the results.
• OFF = Turn the trace display.
The query outputs the trace memory display operation for the active trace of the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<char1> DATA | MEM | DTM | DMM | OFF
Query Parameters
<char1> DATA | MEM | DTM | DMM | OFF
Default Value
Syntax Example
:CALCulate{1-16}[:SELected]:MATH:FUNCtion <char1>
The command selects the trace memory math operation on the active trace of the indicated channel. The query outputs the trace memory math operation on the active trace of the indicated channel.
The command selects the inter-trace memory math operation on the active trace of the indicated channel. The result will be displayed on the active trace. The query outputs the inter-trace memory math operation on the active trace of the indicated channel.
The command sets the trace number and data type for the indicated operand on the active trace of the indicated channel. Note that both parameters must be defined.
The <char1> value sets the trace number from the following selections:
• TR1 = Trace 1
• TR2 = Trace 2
• TR3 = Trace 3
• TR4 = Trace 4
• TR5 = Trace 5
• TR6 = Trace 6
• TR7 = Trace 7
• TR8 = Trace 8
• TR9 = Trace 9
• TR10 = Trace 10
• TR11 = Trace 11
• TR12 = Trace 12
• TR13 = Trace 13
• TR14 = Trace 14
• TR15 = Trace 15
• TR16 = Trace 16
The <char2> value sets the data operand as:
• DATA = Display just the current sweep data
• DMM = Combine the sweep data and the memory data mathematically using a addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division and display only the results.
The query outputs the trace number and data type for the indicated operand on the active trace of the indicated channel.
The command toggles on/off the inter-trace math operation on the active trace of the indicated channel. The query outputs the on/off state of the inter-trace math operation on the active trace of the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<char1> 1 | 0 | ON | OFF
Query Parameters
<char1> 1 | 0
Default Value
Syntax Example
The command stores the active trace data to memory for the channel indicated. No query.