On a per-instrument bases turns the display of frequency information on/off. If off, all frequency numbers are replaced by “XXXXX”. Outputs the display frequency on/off status.
Cmd Parameters
<char1> 1 | 0 | ON | OFF
Query Parameters
<char1> 1 | 0
Default Value
Syntax Example
:DISPlay:COLor:INVert:BACK <NRf>, <NRf>, <NRf>
Sets the inverted color of the background on the active channel. The invert color should be on before using this command.
Use the command below to reset the display to the factory default:
• :DISPlay:COLor:RESet
Outputs the inverted RGB color of the background on the active channel.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameters are integers between 0 and 255 representing the Red, Green, and Blue color values.
Query Parameters
<NR1>, <NR1>, <NR1> The output parameters are integers between 0 and 255 representing the Red, Green, and Blue color values.
Sets the inverted color of the indicated memory trace on the active channel. Memory trace must be on. Use the command below to reset the display to the factory default:
• :DISPlay:COLor:RESet
Outputs inverted RGB color of the indicated memory trace on the active channel.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameters are integers between 0 and 255 representing the Red, Green, and Blue color values.
Query Parameters
<NR1>, <NR1>, <NR1> The output parameters are integers between 0 and 255 representing the Red, Green, and Blue color values.
0 to 255
Default Value
175, 143, 47
Syntax Example
:DISPlay:COLor:INVert[:STATe] <char1>
Sets screen object colors to their inverted/normal color state. Use the command below to reset the display to the factory default:
• :DISPlay:COLor:RESet
Outputs the inverted/normal color state of screen objects.
Cmd Parameters
<char1> 1 | 0 | ON | OFF
Query Parameters
<char1> 1 | 0
Default Value
Syntax Example
:DISPlay:COLor:NORMal:BACK <NRf>, <NRf>, <NRf>
Sets the normal color of the background on the active channel. Use the command below to reset the display to the factory default:
• :DISPlay:COLor:RESet
Outputs the normal RGB color of the background on the active channel.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameters are integers between 0 and 255 representing the Red, Green, and Blue color values.
Query Parameters
<NR1>, <NR1>, <NR1> The output parameters are integers between 0 and 255 representing the Red, Green, and Blue color values.
Sets the normal color of the indicated memory trace on the active channel. Use the command below to reset the display to the factory default:
• :DISPlay:COLor:RESet
Outputs normal RGB color of the indicated memory trace on the active channel.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameters are integers between 0 and 255 representing the Red, Green, and Blue color values.
Query Parameters
<NR1>, <NR1>, <NR1> The output parameters are integers between 0 and 255 representing the Red, Green, and Blue color values.
0 to 255
Default Value
175, 143, 47
Syntax Example
:DISP:COL:NORM:TRAC1:MEM 100, 0, 100
Resets all colors and inverted colors to their normal default values. No query.
Cmd Parameters
Default Value
Syntax Example
:DISPlay:COUNt <NRf>
Sets the number of displayed channels. When the VNA is in 25,000 point mode, the number of channels can only be 1 (one), 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, or 16 channels. If the channel display is set to a non-listed number (5, 7, 11, 13, 14, 15), the instrument is set to the next higher channel number. If a number of greater than 16 is entered, the instrument is set to 16 channels. If the instrument is set to 100,000 points, any input results in 1 (one) channel. Outputs the number of displayed channels.
The example below assumes that the instrument is set to 25,000 points.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is a unitless number.
Query Parameters
<NR1> The output parameter is an integer.
For 25,000 point mode, 1 to 16 channels.
For 100,000 point mode, 1 channel.
Default Value
Syntax Example
:DISPlay:FSIGn[:STATe] <char1>
Turns on/off indicating a limit failure with a failure sign on the VNA screen. Outputs the on/off status of indicating a limit failure with a failure sign on the VNA screen.
Cmd Parameters
<char1> 1 | 0 | ON | OFF
Query Parameters
<char1> 1 | 0
Default Value
Syntax Example
:DISPlay:SIZe <char1>
Sets the maximum/normal size of the graphic display. Outputs the maximum/normal size of the graphic display.
Cmd Parameters
<char1>: MAXimimum | NORMal
Query Parameters
<char1>: MAX | NORM
Syntax Example
:DISPlay:SPLit <char1>
Sets the channel display layout in a Row-by-Column format where the following display window arrangements are available:
• R = rows
• C = columns
• R1C1 = One trace on one row and one column
• R1C2 = Two traces, two across
• R2C1 = Two traces, two down
• R1C3 = Three traces, three across
• R3C1 = Three traces, three down
• R2C2C1 = Three traces, two on top, one on bottom
• R2C1C2 = Three traces, one on top, two on bottom
• C2R2R1 = Three traces, two on left, one on right
• C2R1R2 = Three traces, one on left, two on right
• R1C4 = Four traces, four across
• R4C1 = Four traces, four down
• R2C2 = Four traces, two across, two down
• R2C3 = Six traces, three across, two down
• R3C2 = Six traces, three down, two across
• R2C4 = Eight traces, four across, two down
• R4C2 = Eight traces, two across, four down
• R3C3 = Nine traces, three across, three down
• R5C2 = 10 traces, two across, five down
• R2C5 = 10 traces, five across, two down
• R4C3 = 12 traces, four across, three down
• R3C4 = 12 traces, three across, four down
• R4C4 = 16 traces, four across, four down
The query query outputs channel display layout code as above. For additional descriptions, see the VectorStar MS4640AVNA Operation Manual – 10410-00307.
Query only. Outputs the Active Channel number. To specify an active channel, use the following command:
• :DISPlay:WINDow{1-16}:ACTivate
Query Parameters
Syntax Example
:DISPlay:WINDow:Y:NDIVisions <NRf>
Enters the number of vertical divisions in the rectilinear displays of the active channel. Outputs the number of vertical divisions in the rectilinear displays of the active channel. See Table: Trace Parameters and Coefficients for a complete listing of trace graph types, default settings, and available ranges.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is a unitless number.
Query Parameters
<NR1> The output parameter is an integer.
4 to 30
Default Value
Syntax Example
:DISPlay:WINDow{1-16}:ACTivate <NR1>
The command sets the active channel to the indicated number. When the VNA is set to 100,000 point mode, the number of channels is limited to one. If the index number is omitted, the command activates Channel 1. No query. To query about the active channel, use this command:
• :DISPlay:WINDow:ACTivate?
Cmd Parameters
1 to 16
Default Value
Syntax Example
:DISPlay:WINDow{1-16}:SPLit <char1>
Sets the trace display layout in a Row-by-Column format for the indicated channel. If more traces are set than the trace display contains, the higher numbered trace display windows are blank. If the trace display layout is less than the number of traces set, some traces will have overlapped displays. The following trace display window arrangements are available:
• R = rows
• C = columns
• R1C1 = One trace on one row and one column
• R1C2 = Two traces, two across
• R2C1 = Two traces, two down
• R1C3 = Three traces, three across
• R3C1 = Three traces, three down
• R2C2C1 = Three traces, two on top, one on bottom
• R2C1C2 = Three traces, one on top, two on bottom
• C2R2R1 = Three traces, two on left, one on right
• C2R1R2 = Three traces, one on left, two on right
• R1C4 = Four traces, four across
• R4C1 = Four traces, four down
• R2C2 = Four traces, two across, two down
• R2C3 = Six traces, three across, two down
• R3C2 = Six traces, three down, two across
• R2C4 = Eight traces, four across, two down
• R4C2 = Eight traces, two across, four down
• R3C3 = Nine traces, three across, three down
• R5C2 = 10 traces, two across, five down
• R2C5 = 10 traces, five across, two down
• R4C3 = 12 traces, four across, three down
• R3C4 = 12 traces, three across, four down
• R4C4 = 16 traces, four across, four down
The query outputs the trace display layout. For additional descriptions, see the VectorStar MS4640A VNA User Interface Reference Manual – 10410-00307.
Sets the user title for the channel indicated. Outputs the user title for the channel indicated
Cmd Parameters
Query Parameters
Default Value
Syntax Example
:DISP:WIND1:TITL “Channel Title String”
“Channel Title String”
:DISPlay:WINDow{1-16}:TITLe:STATe <char1>
Enables/disables the display of the user title for the channel indicated. Outputs the enable/disable status of the user title display for the channel indicated.
Cmd Parameters
<char1>: 1 | 0 | ON | OFF
Query Parameters
<char1> 1 | 0
Default Value
Syntax Example
:DISPlay:WINDow{1-16}:TRACe{1-16}:SIZe <char1>
Sets the maximum/normal size of the indicated trace on the indicated channel. Outputs the maximum/normal size of the indicated trace on the indicated channel
Cmd Parameters
<char1>: MAXimimum | NORMal
Query Parameters
<char1>: MAX | NORM
Default Value
Syntax Example
Auto scales the display of the indicated channel and trace. See Table: Trace Parameters and Coefficients for a complete listing of trace graph types, default settings, and available ranges. No query.
Cmd Parameters
Default Value
Syntax Example
:DISPlay:WINDow{1-16}:TRACe{1-16}:Y:PDIV <NRf>
The command enters the per-division scale value of the top display of the indicated channel and trace subject to the limitations described below. The query outputs the per-division scale value of the top display of the indicated channel and trace. See Table: Trace Parameters and Coefficients for a complete listing of trace graph types, default settings, and available ranges.
Working with Dual-Display Rectangular Trace Formats
This command is primarily designed to be used to set the per-division (PDIV) scale value on one of the VectorStar VNA dual-display trace formats. There are four dual-display trace formats:
• Linear Magnitude and Phase (LINPHase)
• Log Magnitude and Phase (LOGPHase)
• Real and Imaginary (REIMaginary)
• Impedance Real and Imaginary (ZCOMPlex)
Working with Single-Display Rectangular or Polar Trace Formats
If the trace is a single-trace non-Smith Chart display, this command can also set the per-division scale value on single trace displays including rectangular and polar graph trace formats.
Working with Smith Chart Trace Displays
If the trace type is a Smith Impedance Chart or a Smith Admittance Chart, the available scale values are limited to the values of +3dB, 0dB, -10dB, -20dB, -30dB. These are the only values permitted and other entered values result in an execution error.
Cmd Parameters
For Smith Charts: <NRf> 3 | 0 | -10 | -20 | -30
• 3 = +3dB compressed Smith Chart
• 0 = 0 dB standard Smith Chart
• -10 = -10 dB expanded Smith Chart
• -20 = -20 dB expanded Smith Chart
• -30 = -30 dB expanded Smith Chart
For all other displays: <NRf>
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter units varies depending on the trace display type.
For Smith Charts, the output parameter is based on the outside radius of the outer circle. For all other trace displays, the output is in one of the following:
• dB per division
• Hertz per division
• Meters per division
• Seconds per division.
The range varies depending on display type:
• For Log Magnitude display types: 1E-3 to 1E3
• For all other non-Smith display types: 1E-5 to 1E9
• For all Smith Chart display types, discrete values only: 3 | 0 | -10 | -20 | -30.
Default Value
Syntax Example
:DISPlay:WINDow{1-16}:TRACe{1-16}:Y:PDIV2 <NRf>
The command enters the per-division scale value of the bottom display of the indicated channel and trace. It does not create an error if the command is invoked using a one-trace display, but, when a two-trace dis lay is re-invoked, all changes made to the “hidden” trace are discarded and the trace reverts to its prior visible settings. The query outputs the per-division scale value of the bottom display of the indicated channel and trace.
The command turns phase wrapping on/off on the indicated trace and channel. This is only used with rectangular graph trace displays. The query outputs the on/off status of Phase Wrapping on the indicated trace and channel.
Cmd Parameters
<char1> 1 | 0 | ON | OFF
Query Parameters
<char1> 1 | 0
Default Value
Syntax Example
:DISPlay:WINDow{1-16}:TRACe{1-16}:Y:PHOFF <NRf>
The command enters the phase offset value for the display of the indicated trace and channel. This is only used with rectangular graph trace displays. The query outputs the phase offset value for the display of the indicated trace and channel.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in Degrees.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter is in Degrees.
-3.6E2 to 3.6E2
Default Value
Syntax Example
:DISPlay:WINDow{1-16}:TRACe{1-16}:Y:RLEV <NRf>
Enters the reference level of the top display of the indicated channel and trace. Outputs the reference level of the top display of the indicated channel and trace.
<NRf> The input parameter depends on the display type.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter depends on the display type.
-9.999E2 to +9.999E2
Default Value
Syntax Example
:DISPlay:WINDow{1-16}:TRACe{1-16}:Y:RLEV2 <NRf>
Enters the reference level of the bottom display of the indicated channel and trace. Outputs the reference level of the bottom display of the indicated channel and trace. See Table: Trace Parameters and Coefficients for a complete listing of trace graph types, default settings, and available ranges.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter depends on the display type.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter depends on the display type.
-9.999E2 to +9.999E2
Default Value
Syntax Example
:DISPlay:WINDow{1-16}:TRACe{1-16}:Y:RPOS <NRf>
Enters the reference line position of the top display of the indicated channel and trace. This command also works with single-display traces. Outputs the reference line position of the top display of the indicated channel and trace. See Table: Trace Parameters and Coefficients for a complete listing of trace graph types, default settings, and available ranges.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter depends on the display type.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter depends on the display type.
Minimum Reference Line Position = 0
Maximum Reference Line Position = Maximum Number of Divisions set by :DISPlay:Y:NDIVisions <NRf>
Default Value
Syntax Example
:DISPlay:WINDow{1-16}:TRACe{1-16}:Y:RPOS2 <NRf>
For dual-trace displays only. The command enters the reference line position of the bottom display of the indicated channel and trace. If the trace display is a single-trace display, this command results in an execution error. Outputs the reference line position of the bottom display of the indicated channel and trace. See Table: Trace Parameters and Coefficients for a complete listing of trace graph types, default settings, and available ranges.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter depends on the display type.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter depends on the display type.
Minimum Reference Line Position = 0
Maximum Reference Line Position = Maximum Number of Divisions set by :DISPlay:Y:NDIVisions <NRf>
Auto scales all traces of the indicated channel. See Table: Trace Parameters and Coefficients for a complete listing of trace graph types, default settings, and available ranges. No query.
Cmd Parameters
Default Value
Syntax Example
Auto scales all traces on all channels. See Table: Trace Parameters and Coefficients for a complete listing of trace graph types, default settings, and available ranges. No query.
Cmd Parameters
Default Value
Syntax Example
Programs the number of vertical divisions in the active channel into all rectilinear displays. See Table: Trace Parameters and Coefficients for a complete listing of trace graph types, default settings, and available ranges. No query.