The command sets the start, stop, or center range of the display reference level to the indicated marker range/response on the active trace of the indicated channel. Markers 1 through 12 are standard measurement markers. Marker 13 is the reference marker. No query.
Cmd Parameters
<char1> CENTer | REFmarker | STARt | STOP
Default Value
Syntax Example
:CALCulate{1-16}[:SELected]:MARKer{1-13}:X <NRf>
The command enters the frequency, distance, or time of indicated marker on the active trace and turn on. Markers 1 through 12 are standard measurement markers. Marker 13 is the reference marker. The query outputs the frequency, distance, or time of the indicated marker on the active trace.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in Hertz, Meters, or Seconds.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter is in Hertz, Meters, or Seconds.
The range depends on the parameter type setting:
• Frequency = Minimum Instrument Frequency to the Maximum Instrument Frequency
• Time = 1E-9 Seconds to 4E-9 Seconds
• Distance = -29.965E-3 Meters to 1.1988 Meters
Default Value
The default value is always a frequency. The value depends on the installed options:
• If Option 070 – 70 kHz Low End Frequency Extension is installed, the default value = 70 kHz.
• If Option 070 is not installed, the default value = 10 MHz.
Syntax Example
:CALC1:MARK1:X 2.0E7
Query only. The query outputs the response value of the indicated marker on the active trace.Markers 1 through 12 are standard measurement markers. Marker 13 is the reference marker.
The command toggles on/off displaying the indicated marker of the active trace on/off. Markers 1 through 12 are standard measurement markers. Marker 13 is the reference marker. Outputs the on/off display status of the indicated marker of the active trace.Markers 1 through 12 are standard measurement markers. Marker 13 is the reference marker.