The command inputs the limit line table for the active trace of the given channel. Outputs the limit line table of the active trace of the given channel.
The command turns limit display on/off for the active trace of the indicated channel. The query outputs the limit display on/off status for the active trace of the given channel.
Cmd Parameters
<char1> 1 | 0 | ON | OFF
Query Parameters
<char1> 1 | 0
Default Value
Syntax Example
Query only. The query outputs the limit testing result for the active trace of the given channel, where:
• “0” = The limit passed.
• “1” = The limit failed.
Query Parameters
<NR1> The output parameter is an integer.
0 | 1
Default Value
Syntax Example
The query turns all limits of the indicated channel off. No query.
Cmd Parameters
Query Parameters:
Default Value
Syntax Example
Query only. The query outputs the number of points failing limit testing.
Query Parameters
<NR1> The output parameter is an integer.
0 to the current number of set measurement points.
On the indicated channel, the command adds a limit line segment for the active trace. If the optional parameters are omitted, an empty segment is added.
No query.
Limit Lines for Rectilinear Displays
For rectilinear displays, up to 50 segment lines can be added to each trace display.
Limit Lines for Circular Polar and Smith Chart Displays
For circular displays (Smith Impedance Chart, Smith Admittance Chart, Linear Polar Graph, and Log Polar Graph), two limits can be defined as an Upper Limit and a Lower Limit. For example, the following commands set upper and lower limit lines:
• Clears all limit lines
• Adds an upper limit line
• Sets the radius of the upper limit line to 1.321
• Adds a lower limit line
• Sets the radius of the lower limit line to 0.395
The command defines a limit line segment for an added segment for the active trace of the indicated channel. Output the current limit line segment for the active trace of the indicated channel.
• If only one <NRf> parameter is set, it defines the limit radius for a circular display.
• If two <NRf> parameters are used, it defines the Y1 start value and the Y2 stop value.
• If four <NRf> parameters are used, it defines the Y1 start value and the Y2 stop value for the upper trace in a dual trace display, and the Y12 (Y1sub in the GUI) start value and the Y22 (Y2sub in the GUI) stop value for the lower trace in a dual trace display.
Sets the radius value of the current circular limit line segment being defined for the active trace of the indicated channel. Outputs the radius value of the current circular limit line segment being defined for the active trace of the indicated channel.
Sets the limit line type of the current limit line segment being defined for the active trace of the indicated channel where:
• UPPer = Upper limit line
• LOWer = Lower limit line
• NONe = No limit line
Outputs the limit line type of the current limit line segment being defined for the active trace of the indicated channel.
Note that the limit line must exist before using this command. If no limit lines have been created, use the prerequisite command below to add one or more limit lines:
This adds one (1) limit segment which permits the example below to work.
Sets the start X (X1) value of the current limit line segment being defined for the active trace of the indicated channel. Outputs start X (X1) value of the current limit line segment being defined for the active trace of the indicated channel.
Sets the stop X value of the current limit line segment being defined for the active trace of the indicated channel. Outputs stop X value of the current limit line segment being defined for the active trace of the indicated channel.
Sets the start Y value of the current limit line segment being defined for the active trace of the indicated channel. Outputs the start Y value of the current limit line segment being defined for the active trace of the indicated channel.
Sets the start Y value of the bottom graph current limit line segment being defined for the active trace of the indicated channel. Outputs start Y value of the bottom graph current limit line segment being defined for the active trace of the indicated channel.
Sets the stop Y value of the current limit line segment being defined for the active trace of the indicated channel. Outputs the stop Y value of the current limit line segment being defined for the active trace of the indicated channel.
Sets the stop Y22 value of the bottom graph current limit line segment being defined for the active trace of the indicated channel. Outputs the stop Y22 value of the bottom graph current limit line segment being defined for the active trace of the indicated channel.
Define the indexed limit line segment for the active trace of the indicated channel. The limit segment must exist. Output the indexed limit line segment for the active trace of the indicated channel.
Note that if a :SYSTem:PRESet is issued where the :SYSTem:PRESet:TYPe RESET has been previously set, any user-defined segmented limit lines are cleared and the query generates an error.
One <NRf> Parameter
If only one <NRf> parameter is set, it defines the limit radius for a circular display.
Two <NRf> Parameters
If two <NRf> parameters are used, it defines the Y1 start value and the Y2 stop value.
Four <NRf> Parameters
If four <NRf> parameters are used, it defines the Y1 start value and the Y2 stop value for the upper trace in a dual trace display, and the Y12 (Y1sub in the GUI) start value and the Y22 (Y2sub in the GUI) stop value for the lower trace in a dual trace display.
Sets the radius value of the indicated circular limit line segment for the active trace of the indicated channel. Outputs the radius value of the indicated circular limit line segment for the active trace of the indicated channel.
The indicated circular limit line must exist. To create a limit line to edit, use:
Sets the limit line type of the indicated limit line segment for the active trace of the indicated channel where:
• UPPer = Upper limit line
• LOWer = Lower limit line
• NONe = No limit line
Outputs the limit line type of the indicated limit line segment for the active trace of the indicated channel.
Note that the limit line must exist before using this command. If no limit lines have been created, use the prerequisite command below to add one or more limit lines:
This adds one (1) limit segment which permits the example below to work.
Sets the start X1 value of the indicated limit line segment for the active trace of the indicated channel. For a dual trace rectilinear display, this sets the X1 start value for both the upper and lower traces. Outputs start X1 value of the indicated limit line segment for the active trace of the indicated channel.
Only for use on dual rectilinear displays. If a single rectinlinear display is used, the value is accepted but no change is made to the trace display.
Sets the stop Y22 value of the bottom graph indicated limit line segment for the active trace of the indicated channel.
Outputs the stop Y22 value of the bottom graph indicated limit line segment for the active trace of the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
Query Parameters
Default Value
Syntax Example
:CALCulate{1-16}[:SELected]:LIMit[:STATe] <char1>
The command turns limit testing on/off for the active trace of the indicated channel. The query outputs the limit testing on/off status for the active trace of the given channel.