The :SENSe{1-16}:CORRection:COEFficient:PORT subsystem commands are used to simulate a instrument calibration on 2-Port or 4-Port VNA instrument so that a set of user-defined calibration parameters can be input using the :SENSe{1-16}:CORRection:COEFficient <char1>,<block> command. Note that this subsystem does not perform an actual calibration.
Calibration Simulation Subsystems
These subsystems are used to create a calibrated state in the instrument which is followed by adding the required error correction coefficients for the required calibration type. If this approach is used, each error correction coefficient is entered by separate commands. Simulated calibration subsystems are:
The command inputs the values for a single calibration correction coefficient such as ED1. The command identifies the coefficient name and then the coefficient data for a calibration on the indicated channel. Separate commands are issued for each required correction coefficient. The query outputs the values of a correction coefficient of the calibration on the indicated channel.
• There are 12 correction coefficients available for a Full 2-Port Calibration which are: ED1, EP1S, ET11, ET21, EP2L, EX21, ED2, EP2S, ET22, ET12, EP1L, and EX12.
• There are 24 correction coefficients available for a Full 3-Port Calibration that include the 12 coefficients above and the 12 coefficients below: ED3, ET31, ET32, ET13, ET23, ET33, EP3L, EP3S, EX31, EX32, EX13, and EX23.
• There are 40 correction coefficients available for a Full 4-Port Calibration include the 24 coefficients above and the 16 coefficients below: ED4, ET14, ET41, ET24, ET42, ET34, ET43, ET44, EP4L, EP4S, EX14, EX24, EX34, EX41, EX42, and EX43.
The command simulates a Full Four Port Calibration on the indicated Channel. This command requires a 4-Port VNA instrument. No query. To query the state of this command use:
The command simulates a One-Path Two-Port Calibration Forward Direction on the indicated port set on the indicated Channel. The use of Port 3 and/or Port 4 requires a 4-Port VNA instrument. No query. To query the state of this command use:
The command simulates a One-Path Two-Port Calibration Reverse Direction on the indicated port set on the indicated Channel. The use of Port 3 and/or Port 4 requires a 4-Port VNA instrument. No query. To query the state of this command use:
The command simulates a Full Two-Port Calibration on the indicated port set on the indicated channel. The use of Port 3 and/or Port 4 requires a 4-Port VNA instrument. No query. To query the state of this command use:
The command simulates a Full One-Port Reflection Calibration on both ports on the indicated channel. The use of Port 3 and/or Port 4 requires a 4-Port VNA instrument. No query. To query the state of this command use:
The command simulates a One-Port Response Calibration on both ports on the indicated port set on the indicated channel. The use of Port 3 and/or Port 4 requires a 4-Port VNA instrument. No query. To query the state of this command use:
The command simulates a Transmission Frequency Response Calibration in both directions on the indicated port set on the indicated channel. The use of Port 3 and/or Port 4 requires a 4-Port VNA instrument.
The command simulates a Transmission Frequency Response Calibration in the forward direction on the indicated port set on the indicated channel. The use of Port 3 and/or Port 4 requires a 4-Port VNA instrument. No query. To query the state of this command use:
The command simulates a Transmission Frequency Response Calibration in the reverse direction on the indicated port set on the indicated Channel. The use of Port 3 and/or Port 4 requires a 4-Port VNA instrument. No query. To query the state of this command use:
The command simulates a Full Three Port Calibration on the indicated port set on the indicated channel. The use of Port 3 and/or Port 4 requires a 4-Port VNA instrument. No query. To query the state of this command use:
The command simulates a Full One-Port Reflection Calibration on the indicated port on the indicated channel. The use of Port 3 and/or Port 4 requires a 4-Port VNA instrument. No query. To query the state of this command use:
The command simulates a One-Port Response Calibration on the indicated port on the indicated channel. The use of Port 3 and/or Port 4 requires a 4-Port VNA instrument. No query. To query the state of this command use: