Backhaul Analyzer for Anritsu’s RF and Microwave Handheld Instruments : T1/T3 Analyzer (Option 53)  : T3 Measurements Menu
T3 Measurements Menu
When not active, some submenu keys have no arrow to indicate a sub menu, and the circular indicator has a plain background. The circular indicator with a red background and the sub menu arrow appear only when these submenu keys are active.
When the configuration is for the DS3 Test Mode with a DS1 Payload Type, the Measurement menu offers a VF submenu key. When the configuration is for a DS3 Test Mode with a Payload Type of 45 Mb, the Measurement menus does not have a VF submenu key.
Key Sequence: Measurements
DS3 Measurements Menu with DS1 Payload
This submenu key displays the BERT Menu. Press this submenu key once to select the desired test results view.
Rx Signal
Press this submenu key to display the Rx Signal measurements.
Press this submenu key to display VF level measurements. Press the submenu key again to open the VF Menu for configuration.
Measure Time
This submenu key opens a dialog box to set the measurement time. Choose from 12 settings, which range from 1 minute (minimum) to 3 days (maximum). You can also choose Manual, which runs any length of time, indefinitely, until the Stop/Start main menu key is pressed. Use the arrow keys or the rotary knob to enter a value, and then press Enter or the Rotary Knob to continue, or press Esc to abort.
Clear History
Press this submenu key to erase the history of displayed events and measurements. Also, clears any red History indicators in the Upper Status Window.
Save Results
Press this submenu key to save the results of a measurement.