BTS Master MT8221B and MT8222B : Instrument Overview : Display Overview
Display Overview
Typical measurement displays are shown for the basic operating modes of the MT8221B, including Cable and Antenna Analyzer mode, Spectrum Analyzer mode, and one of the many measurement options (WCDMA/HSDPA analyzer display shown in Figure: WCDMA/HSDPA Signal Analyzer CDP Display Overview). Note that the images shown in this manual may be different from any images that are displayed on your BTS Master.
Cable and Antenna Analyzer Mode
Figure: Cable and Antenna Analyzer Smith Chart Display illustrates some of the key information areas of the MT8221B display.
For more detailed key descriptions of the Cable and Antenna Analyzer mode, refer to the Cable and Antenna Analyzer Measurement Guide (Anritsu part number 10580‑00230, available on the documentation disc). Also refer to Measurement Guides, for a complete list of measurement guides.
Cable and Antenna Analyzer Smith Chart Display
Spectrum Analyzer Display
Figure: WCDMA/HSDPA Signal Analyzer CDP Display Overview illustrates some of the information areas that are unique to the MT8221B WCMDA/HSDPA Signal Analyzer CDP display.
WCDMA/HSDPA Signal Analyzer CDP Display Overview
For WCDMA/HSDPA information, refer to the 3GPP Measurement Guide available on the documentation disc and the Anritsu web site.