BTS Master MT8221B and MT8222B : Instrument Overview
Instrument Overview
Hardware Overview
Turning On the MT8221B for the First Time
Front Panel Overview
Front Panel Keys
Main Menu Keys
Submenu Keys
Mode Selector Menu
Secondary Function Menus
Display Overview
Cable and Antenna Analyzer Mode
Parameter Setting
Text Entry
Connector Care
Connecting Procedure
Disconnecting Procedure
Test Panel Connectors
Symbols and Indicators
Firmware Overview
Main Menu Keys
Submenu Keys
This chapter provides a brief overview of the Anritsu MT8221B BTS Master. The intent of this chapter is to acquaint you with the instrument. To begin using the instrument immediately, go to Basic Measurement Setups, to find directions for power on, editing, frequency, bandwidth, amplitude, limit line, marker, file management procedures, and firmware update. For more detailed information on measurement setups, refer to the specific measurement guides, which are based on the options that can be purchased for this instrument. The measurement guides and a copy of this user guide are available as PDF files on the documentation disc. Refer to Measurement Guides.