BTS Master MT8221B and MT8222B : Instrument Overview : Symbols and Indicators
Symbols and Indicators
The following symbols and indicators convey the instrument status or condition on the display.
Cal Status On:
The BTS Master has been calibrated with discrete Open, Short, and Load components.
Cal Status Off:
The BTS Master has not been calibrated.
Battery Symbol:
The battery symbol above the display indicates the charge remaining in the battery. The colored section inside the symbol changes size and color with the charge level.
Battery Status
Green with Black Plug body: Battery is fully charged and external power is applied
Green: Battery is 30 % to 100 % charged
Yellow: Battery is 10 % to 30 % charged
Red: Battery 0 % to 10 % charged
Lightning Bolt: Battery is being charged (any color symbol)
When the battery is charging, either from the AC‑DC Adapter or the 12 Volt DC adapter, the symbol changes to that shown in Figure: Battery Charging Status:
Battery Charging Status
The Battery Charge LED (refer to Figure: Front Panel Overview) flashes when the battery is charging, and remains on steady when the battery is fully charged.
Use only Anritsu‑approved batteries, adapters, and chargers with this instrument.
The battery symbol is replaced by a red plug body to indicate that the instrument is running from external power and is not charging the battery (or to indicate that the battery is not present). When the external AC adaptor is connected, the battery automatically receives a charge, and the battery symbol with the lightning bolt is displayed (Figure: Battery Charging Status). When the battery is not installed, the red plug body is displayed, as shown in Figure: Battery Not Installed.
Battery Not Installed
The BTS Master is on hold. To resume sweeping, toggle from Hold to Run in the Sweep menu.
Single Sweep
Single Sweep is selected. Press Continuous sweep to resume sweeping.