BTS Master MT8221B and MT8222B : Basic Measurement Setups : Setting Up Limit Lines
Setting Up Limit Lines
Press the Shift key then the Limit (6) key on the numeric keypad to display the Limit menu.
Single Limit Line
Spectrum Analyzer and Interference Analysis Modes
1. Press the Limit (Upper / Lower) submenu key to select the desired limit line, Upper or Lower.
2. Activate the selected limit line by pressing the On Off submenu key so that On is underlined.
3. Press the Limit Move submenu key to display the Limit Move menu. Press the Move Limit submenu key to change the dBm level of the limit line.
4. Press the Back submenu key to return to the Limit menu.
5. If necessary, press the Set Default Limit submenu key to redraw the limit line in view.
Cable and Antenna Mode
1. Press the Shift key followed by the Limit main menu key to list the Limit menu.
2. Activate the limit line by pressing the Limit On Off submenu key so On is underlined. The limit line is displayed on the graph.
3. Press the Single Limit submenu key to change the location of the limit line on the y-axis.
4. If necessary, press the Set Default Limit submenu key to display the limit line.
Segmented Limit Lines
Spectrum Analyzer and Interference Analysis Modes
Initial Setup:
1. Press the Limit (Upper / Lower) submenu key to select the desired limit line, Upper or Lower.
2. Activate the selected limit line by pressing the On Off submenu key so that On is underlined.
3. Press the Limit Move submenu key to display the Limit Move menu.
Creating a Sample Segmented Limit Line:
4. Press the Move Limit submenu key and use the number keys to enter a limit value of 12 dB. The limit value can also be moved by using the arrow keys or the rotary knob. Press the Back submenu key to return to the Limit menu.
5. Press the Limit Edit submenu key to display the Edit menu.
6. Press the Add Point submenu key.
7. Press the Frequency submenu key and enter 1400 MHz.
8. Press the Add Point submenu key
9. Press the Frequency submenu key and enter 1600 MHz.
10. Press the Amplitude submenu key and enter 15 dB.
11. Press the Add Point submenu key.
12. Press the Frequency submenu key and enter 2000 MHz.
13. Press the Amplitude submenu key and enter 15 dB.
Cable and Antenna Mode
1. Press the Shift key followed by the Limit main menu key to list the Limit menu.
2. Activate the limit line by pressing the Limit On Off submenu key so that On is underlined. The limit line is displayed on the graph.
3. Press the Multi-Segment Edit submenu key to create a multi-segmented limit line.
4. Highlight the left point on the limit line before adding the first point using the Next Point Left submenu key.
5. Press the Add Point submenu key to place a new point on the limit line. Use the Point Freq and Point Value submenu keys to set the frequency and dB level of the point.
6. Repeat step 5 until the desired number of points have been added.
Limit Line Envelope
Spectrum Analyzer and Interference Analysis Modes
1. Complete step 1 through step 4 in the procedure for Setting Up Non-Segmented Limit Lines.
2. Press the Limit (Upper / Lower) submenu key to select the desired limit line for use in creating an envelope.
3. Press the Limit Envelope submenu key to display the Limit Envelope menu.
4. Press the Create Envelope submenu key to create an envelope around the measurement.
5. Press Upper Points or Lower Points submenu key to change the number of segments in the envelope.