LMR Master™S412E User Guide : Error Messages : Application Self Test
Application Self Test
VNA Mode Self Test (Vector Network Analyzer mode only)
To run the application self test, press Shift and System (8) and then Application Self Test from within the desired mode. When you are in Vector Network Analyzer mode, you will see the results window that is shown in Figure: Application Self Test (note that your instrument display may differ from this image). It summarizes the status of several key functions that are specific to this application.
Application Self Test
If the Overall Status shows Failed, then one or more elements of the Application Self Test have failed. This self test consists of two subtests:
Frequency Sweep
Lists any frequency range over which errors in the sweep are occurring
Indicates whether reading or writing (or both) to the EEPROM has failed
If any of the subtests shows FAILED, then check that the battery level is adequate for operation or that temperature is within acceptable limits. Reset to factory defaults with either Factory Defaults Reset: (Esc + On), or Master Reset: (System + On).
Spectrum Analyzer Mode Self Test
SPA Application Self Test
CW Signal Generator Mode Self Test
CW Signal Generator Application Self Test
NBFM, P25/P25p2, NXDN, dPMR, DMR, PTC-ITCR, PTC-ACSES, and TETRA Analyzer Self Test
All Others Application Self Test