LMR Master™S412E User Guide : Web Remote Control
Web Remote Control
LAN Connection
Connection to a Wi-Fi Portable Router
Web Remote Control Interface
User Login
Home Page
Remote Control
Capture Screen
Capture Trace
File List
Device Management (not as Administrator)
Device Management (Administrator)
Web Remote Control capabilities are embedded in the LMR Master, providing full instrument control through any HTML‑5 compatible browser. The ability to remotely monitor and control the instrument from the ground or desk enhances operator safety and efficiency when conditions make it unsafe or impractical to be close to the instrument. Login passwords can be used to restrict access to authorized users only.
An Ethernet connection is required.
A remote connection terminates when the user logs out or closes the browser, or when the session time duration requested at login expires. To prevent multi-user conflicts, only one connection is permitted at a time. A second user who tries to log in will see a message indicating the instrument is currently reserved by another client, with the time remaining in their session.
While only one user can have control of the instrument, multiple users can view the same instrument using a desktop sharing application.