LMR Master™S412E User Guide : Web Remote Control : Setup
You can connect one or more instruments to any computer with HTML‑5 compatible browser. Anritsu strongly recommends using Google Chrome, as other browsers do not fully support HTML‑5. The controlling device may be a laptop or a desktop computer or a mobile device, including a wide range of tablets and smart phones running Android or iOS operating system. Note, however, that you cannot download files to an iOS device, because it lacks a user-accessible file system.
Physical connection is established from the instrument’s Ethernet port directly to the computer, to a LAN, or a portable Wi‑Fi router such as the ZyXEL MWR102 Portable Router.
LAN Connection
1. Connect the Ethernet port of the LMR Master to your LAN.
2. Press Shift followed by System (8).
3. Press the Status submenu key to display the Status window and take note of the instrument IP address.
Press Esc to close the Status window.
4. If no IP address has been assigned, refer to Ethernet Connectivity for information on setting an IP address for the instrument. If connecting to another network, Anritsu Company recommends that you request a static IP address from your network administrator to avoid duplicate addresses.
Alternatively, you can set the instrument for dynamic IP addressing using DHCP. Refer to Ethernet Menu. In a long distance network, however, it may be difficult or impossible to determine what the current dynamic address is, after the instrument is in the field.
5. Set instrument parameters as appropriate, such as measurement mode, frequency range, amplitude. You may skip this step and set up the instrument remotely at a later time, after Ethernet connection has been established.
6. Launch the Google Chrome browser on your PC, laptop, or mobile device. Due to compatibility issues with HTML‑5, do not connect using another browser than Chrome.
7. Enter the instrument IP address in the browser address bar to open the Web Remote Control Login page illustrated in Figure: Login Page.
Connection to a Wi-Fi Portable Router
Instead of connecting the instrument directly to a LAN, you can connect it to a Wi‑Fi router. This section documents connection to the ZyXEL MWR102 Portable Router as an example.
1. Take note of the router’s SSID and pre-programmed password, which are found on a sticker affixed to the router.
2. Using the Ethernet cable included with the router, connect one end to the black LAN port and the other end to the test instrument’s Ethernet port.
3. Insert the Mini‑B (small) end of the provided USB cable into the router and the Type‑A (larger) end of the cable into one of the USB ports of your test instrument.
4. Optionally, secure the router to the instrument body using a strip of Velcro or other hook‑and‑loop fastener. You may also place the router in the instrument carrying case, if it fits.
5. Use your computer’s Wi‑Fi Network Connection utility to find the router. With the ZyXEL MWR102 Portable Router, the SSID name will be ZyXEL followed by an alphanumeric string unique to your particular router.
6. Connect to this SSID. When prompted, enter the router password noted in Step 1.
7. Set the IP address manually on the instrument. Refer to Ethernet Menu.
8. Launch the Google Chrome browser on your PC, laptop, or mobile device. Due to compatibility issues with HTML‑5, do not connect using another browser than Chrome.
9. Enter the instrument IP address in the browser address bar to open the Web Remote Control Login page illustrated in Figure: Login Page.