Note | The parameters that are returned depend on the firmware version in the MS20xxB, and this document does not cover all possible parameter values that can be returned by the command. |
Parameter Name | Description |
SN | Instrument serial # |
UNIT_NAME | Instrument name |
TYPE | The data type (Setup or Data) |
DATE | Trace date/time |
APP_NAME | Application name |
APP_VER | Application firmware (FW) version |
SUB_MODE | Sub Mode type, where: 0 is for Vector Network Analyzer, 2 is for Vector Voltmeter |
S_TYPE | Active trace S type. Current available S Types are: S11 = 0, S21 = 1 |
TRACE_S_TYPES | S types for all 4 traces. This uses a bit mask, where the bit shift mask is defined as: S_TYPE_BIT_SHIFT 4 S_TYPE_BIT_MASK 0xF For example, to get the S type for trace 1: (int) (sTypes >> (S_TYPE_BIT_SHIFT * 0)) & S_TYPE_BIT_MASK |
GRAPH_TYPE | Active Trace graph type. Current available graph types are: Log Mag = 0, SWR = 1, Phase = 2, Real = 3, Imaginary = 4, Group delay = 5, Smith Chart = 6, Log Mag / 2 = 7 Linear Polar = 8 Log Polar = 9 Real Impedance = 10 Imaginary Impedance = 11 |
TRACE_GRAPH_TYPES | Graph types for all 4 traces. This uses a bit mask shift, where the bit shift mask is defined as: GRAPH_TYPE_BIT_SHIFT 16 GRAPH_TYPE_BIT_MASK 0xFFFF |
DOMAIN | Active Trace domain type, where: 0 is frequency domain, 2 is for distance domain |
TRACE_DOMAIN_TYPES | Domain types for all 4 traces. This uses a bit mask shift, where the bit shift mask is defined as: DOMAIN_TYPE_BIT_SHIFT 4 DOMAIN_TYPE_BIT_MASK 0xF |
DOMAIN_SETUP | Current Domain Setup. Available Domain setups are: Freq = 0, Dist = 2 |
TRACE_MATH_TYPES | Trace Math types. This uses a bit mask shift, where the bit shift mask is defined as: MATH_TYPE_BIT_SHIFT 4 MATH_TYPE_BIT_MASK 0xF Available math type are: None = 0, Subtract = 1, Add = 2, Multiply = 3, Divide = 4 |
TRACE_DISPLAY_TYPES | Trace display types. Available trace types are: Trace Only = 0, Memory Only = 1, Trace and Memory = 2 |
TRACE_MEMORY_STATE | For save/recall purpose. Where 0 is Off and 1 is On. |
SMITH_CHART_TYPE | Current active trace Smith Chart type. Available Smith Chart type are: Normal = 0, Expand 10dB = 1, Expand 20dB = 2, Expand 30dB = 3, Compress 3dB = 4 |
TRACE_SMITH_CHART_TYPES | Smith Chart type. This uses a bit mask shift, where the bit shift mask is defined as: SMITH_CHART_TYPE_BIT_SHIFT 4 SMITH_CHART_TYPE_BIT_MASK 0xF For available types, refer to SMITH_CHART_TYPE. |
SMITH_REF_IMPED | Reference Impedance. Where: 50 ohm = 0. and 75 ohm = 1 |
TOTAL_CHANNELS | Trace Format. Available trace format are: Single = 1, Dual = 2, Tri = 3, Quad = 4 |
ACTIVE_TRACE | Current active trace. Where: 0 is for trace 1, 1 for trace 2, 2 for trace 3, and 3 for trace 4 |
TOTAL_TRACE | Total number of traces |
AVERAGING_COUNT | Current Averaging Count |
AVERAGING_FACTOR | Averaging factor |
EXTERNAL_REFERENCE | External Reference where 0 is for Off and 1 is for Locked |
EXT_REF_FREQ_LIST | Currently not being used. |
SWEEP_TYPE | Sweep type. Available sweep types are: Single = 0 and Continuous = 1 |
EXTERNAL_TRIGGER | Currently not being used. |
BIAS_TEE_STATE | Bias Tee State. Currently available Bias Tee states are: Off = 0 and Internal = 2 |
BIAS_TEE_PORT_SELECTION | Bias Tee port selection. Where: 1 is port 2. |
BIAS_TEE_VOLTAGE_Px | Internal Bias Tee voltage, where: x is the port number. Return value is 1000 times the current voltage value in Volts. |
INT_BIAS_TEE_VOLTAGE | Internal Bias Tee voltage. Return value in mV. Internal Bias Tee current limit, where: x is the port number. Return value is in mA. |
BIAS_TEE_CURRENT_LIMIT_Px | Internal Bias Tee current limit, where: x is the port number. Return value is in mA. |
INT_BIAS_TEE_CURRENT | Internal Bias Tee current. Return value is in mA. |
RF_SOURCE_POWER | Source Power. Current valid source power: low = 0, default = 1, and high = 2. |
CABLE | The index of the selected cable list, where 0 is the first in the list. |
DIST_UNITS | Distance units. Available distance units are: Meter = 0, Feet = 1 |
IFBW | The index of the selected IFBW list, where 0 is the first in the list. |
DUT_LINE_TYPE | DUT Line Type, where Coax = 0. |
CUTOFF_FREQ | Currently not used. |
PROP_VEL | Propagation Velocity. Value returned is 1000 times the propagation velocity value. |
CABLE_LOSS | Cable Loss. Value returned is 1000 times the cable loss value. |
MARKER_SELECTED | The current selected marker, where marker # is the value + 1. For example, a value of 0 is marker number 1. |
MARKER_TYPE | The current selected marker type. Where: Ref = 0 delta = 1 off = 2 |
MARKER_TABLE | Currently not being used. |
MARKER_READOUT_STYLE | The current selected marker readout style. Available readout styles are: Graph = 0, Log Mag = 1 Log Mag and Phase = 2 Phase = 3 Real and Imaginary = 4 SWR = 5 Impedance = 6 Admittance = 7 Normalized Impedance = 8 Normalized Admittance = 9 Polar Impedance = I0 Group Delay = 11 Log Mag/2 = 12 Lin Mag = 13 Lin Mag and Phase = 14 |
MARKER_READOUT_FORMAT | Marker Readout Format. Available readout formats are: None = 0 Trace =1 Screen = 2 Table = 3 |
PORT_x_REF_PLANE_LENGTH | Reference Plane Length, where x is the port number. Returns in units of meter. |
TRACE_SMOOTHING_PERCENT | Trace smoothing percent. This uses a bit mask shift, where the bit shift mask is defined as: PERC_SMOOTHING_BIT_SHIFT 8 PERC_SMOOTHING_BIT_MASK 0xFF |
SMOOTHING_PERCENT | Current active trace smoothing percent. |
CURRENT_LIMIT | The limit type (upper/lower) for the active trace. Upper = 0 and Lower = 1 |
LIMIT_STATE | The limit state (on/off) for the active trace. On = 0, Off = 1 |
LIMIT_ALARM | The limit alarm (on/off) for the active trace. On = 0, Off = 1 |
LIMIT_MESSAGE | Limit Pass Fail Message (on/off) for the active trace. On = 0, Off = 1. |
CURRENT_TEMPERATURE | The current temperature. Valid only with a cal. To get the temperature in Celsius divide the result by 4. |
TRACE_x_LP_MODE | Currently not used. |
TRACE_x_LP_RESPONSE_TYPE | Currently not used. |
TRACE_x_LP_PHASOR_IMPULSE | Currently not used. |
TRACE_x_POLAR_RESOLUTION | Linear Polar Resolution, where x is the trace number. Returned value is 1000 times the resolution value |
TRACE_x_POLAR_REFERENCE | Linear Polar Reference value, where x is the trace number. Returned value is 1000 times the reference value |
TRACE_x_POLAR_REFERENCE_LINE | Currently not used |
TRACE_x_LOG_POLAR_RESOLUTION | Log Polar Resolution, where x is the trace number. Returned value is in dB. |
TRACE_x_LOG_POLAR_REFERENCE | Log Polar Reference value, where x is the trace number. Returned value is in dB. |
TRACE_x_LOG_POLAR_REFERENCE_LINE | Currently not used |
TRACE_x_REAL_Z_RESOLUTION | Real Impedance resolution, where x is the trace number. Returned value is 1000 times the resolution value. |
TRACE_x_REAL_Z_REFERENCE | Real Impedance Reference value, where x is the trace number. Returned value is 1000 times the reference value. |
TRACE_x_REAL_Z_REFERENCE_LINE | Real Impedance Reference line, where x is the trace number. |
TRACE_x_IMAG_Z_RESOLUTION | Imaginary Impedance resolution, where x is the trace number. Returned value is 1000 times the resolution value. |
TRACE_x_IMAG_Z_REFERENCE | Imaginary Impedance Reference value, where x is the trace number. Returned value is 1000 times the reference value. |
TRACE_x_IMAG_Z_REFERENCE_LINE | Imaginary Impedance Refernece line, where x is the trace number. |
TRACE_x_START_FREQ | Start freq, where x is the trace number. Returns in units of megahertz. |
TRACE_x_STOP_FREQ | Stop frequency, where x is the trace number. Returns in units of megahertz. |
TRACE_x_CENTER_FREQ | Center frequency, where x is the trace number. Returns in units of megahertz. |
TRACE_x_SPAN | Frequency span, where x is the trace number. Returns in units of megahertz. |
TRACE_x_START_DIST | Start distance, where x is the trace number. Depending on the given distance unit, value is returned in units of either microfeet or micrometer. |
TRACE_x_STOP_DIST | Stop distance, where x is the trace number. Depending on the given distance unit, value is returned in units of either microfeet or micrometer. |
TRACE_x_SMOOTHING_PERCENT | Currently not used. |
TRACE_x_WINDOWING | Windowing, where x is the trace number. Available windowing settings are: Rectangular = 0, Nominal Side Lobe = 1, Low Side Lobe = 2, Minimum Side Lobe = 3 |
TRACE_x_GD_APERTURE | Group Delay Aperture, where x is the trace number. |
TRACE_x_DSP_DATA_POINTS | Number of data points, where x is the trace number. |
TRACE_x_LOG_MAG_RESOLUTION | Log Mag Resolution, where x is the trace number. Returned value is in dB. |
TRACE_x_LOG_MAG_REFERENCE | Log Mag Reference value, where x is the trace number. Returned value is in dB. |
TRACE_x_LOG_MAG_REFERENCE_LINE | Log Mag Reference Line, where x is the trace number. |
TRACE_x_SWR_RESOLUTION | SWR Resolution, where x is the trace number. Returned value is 1000 times the SWR Resolution. |
TRACE_x_SWR_REFERENCE | SWR Reference value, where x is the trace number. Returned value is 1000 times the SWR Reference value. |
TRACE_x_SWR_REFERENCE_LINE | SWR Reference Line, where x is the trace number. |
TRACE_x_PHASE_RESOLUTION | Phase Resolution, where x is the trace number. Returned value is 1000 times the phase resolution. |
TRACE_x_PHASE_REFERENCE | Phase Reference value, where x is the trace number. Returned value is 1000 times the phase reference value. |
TRACE_x_PHASE_REFERENCE_LINE | Phase Reference Line, where x is the trace number. |
TRACE_x_REAL_RESOLUTION | Real Resolution, where x is the trace number. Returned value is 1000 times the resolution per div value. |
TRACE_x_REAL_REFERENCE | Real Reference value, where x is the trace number. Returned value is 1000 times the reference value. |
TRACE_x_REAL_REFERENCE_LINE | Real Reference line, where x is the trace number. |
TRACE_x_IMAG_RESOLUTION | Imaginary Resolution, where x is the trace number. Returned value is 1000 times the reference value. |
TRACE_x_IMAG_REFERENCE | Imaginary Reference value, where x is the trace number. Returned value is 1000 times the reference value. |
TRACE_x_IMAG_REFERENCE_LINE | Imaginary Reference line, where x is the trace number. |
TRACE_x_GD_RESOLUTION | Group Delay Resolution, where x is the trace number. Returns in units of picoseconds. |
TRACE_x_GD_REFERENCE | Group Delay Reference value, where x is the trace number. Returns in units of picoseconds. |
TRACE_x_GD_REFERENCE_LINE | Group Delay Reference line, where x is the trace number. |
TRACE_x_SMITH_SCALE | Currently not used. |
TRACE_x_SMITH_IMPEDANCE | Currently not used. |
TRACE_x_SMITH_IMPEDANCE_LINE | Currently not used. |
TRACE_x_1PCL_RESOLUTION | Log Mag / 2 resolution, where x is the trace number. Returned value is in dB. |
TRACE_x_1PCL_REFERENCE | Log Mag / 2 Reference value, where x is the trace number. Returned value is in dB. |
TRACE_x_1PCL_REFERENCE_LINE | Log Mag / 2 Reference line, where x is the trace number. |
TRACE_x_POLAR_RESOLUTION | Currently not used. |
TRACE_x_POLAR_REFERENCE | Currently not used. |
TRACE_x_POLAR_REFERENCE_LINE | Currently not used. |
CAL_METHOD | Calibration Method, where: SOLT = 0 |
CAL_TYPE | The index of the selected calibration type list, where 0 is the first in the list. |
CAL_LINE_TYPE | Calibration Line Type, where coax = 0. |
CAL_PORTx_DUT | The index of the selected Calibration Coax DUT Selector list for port x, where 0 is the first in the list. |
CAL_CORRECTION | Calibration correction, where On = 0, and Off = 1 |
APP_SELF_TEST_MODE | Internal use only |
DEBUG_MEAS_GAIN_RANGE | Internal use only |
LOG_COUNTER_EVENTS | Internal use only |
SWEEP_DEFAULT_FREQS | Internal use only |
PWRCAL_RF_SWITCH_FREQ | Internal use only |
PWRCAL_LOW_RF_HIGH_TARGET | Internal use only |
PWRCAL_LOW_RF_LOW_TARGET | Internal use only |
PWRCAL_UPPER_RF_HIGH_TARGET | Internal use only |
PWRCAL_UPPER_RF_LOW_TARGET | Internal use only |
PWRCAL_UW_RF_HIGH_TARGET | Internal use only |
PWRCAL_UW_RF_LOW_TARGET | Internal use only |
USER_DEFINED_CAL_KIT_NAME | Internal use only |
USER_DEFINED_CAL_KIT | Internal use only |
TRACE_LABEL_STATE | Trace label On/Off, where On = 0, Off = 1 |
Markers Parameter Name | Description |
MKR_MWVNA_Xx | Marker x X value (where x is the marker number 1 to 12) |
MKR_MWVNA_POINTx | Marker x display point |
MKR_MWVNA_REALx | Marker x Real value |
MKR_MWVNA_IMAGx | Marker x Imaginary value |
MKR_MWVNA_READOUTx | Marker x readout style. Available readout styles are: Graph = 0 Log Mag = 1 Log Mag and Phase = 2 Phase = 3 Real and Imaginary = 4 SWR = 5 Impedance = 6 Admittance = 7 Normalized Impedance = 8 Normalized Admittance = 9 Polar Impedance = 10 Group Delay = 11 Log Mag / 2 = 12 Lin Mag = 13 Lin Mag and Phase = 14 |
MKR_MWVNA_FLAGSx | Marker x flags: MWVNA_MARKER_REF_BIT ............ 0x00000001 MWVNA_MARKER_DELTA_BIT .......... 0x00000002 MWVNA_MARKER_ALL_BIT ............ 0x00000004 MWVNA_MARKER_INIT_BIT ........... 0x00000008 MWVNA_MARKER_ZERO_SPAN_BIT ...... 0x00000010 MWVNA_MARKER_OUT_OF_RANGE_BIT ... 0x00000020 |
MKR_TRACEx | Specifies to which trace the marker x is attached |
MKR_DELTA_TOx | Specifies to which trace the marker x is delta |
Limits Parameter Name | Description |
LIMIT_MWVNA_FLAGS_UPx LIMIT_MWVNA_FLAGS_LOx | Upper(UP)/Lower(LO) Limit flags for trace x: LIMIT_LEFT_OF_SCREEN .... 0x00000001 LIMIT_RIGHT_OF_SCREEN ... 0x00000002 LIMIT_IS_ON ............. 0x00000004 LIMIT_IS_RELATIVE ....... 0x00000008 LIMIT_ALARM_IS_ON ....... 0x00000010 LIMIT_LIMIT_UNITIALIZED . 0x00000020 LIMIT_MESSAGE_ON ........ 0x00000040 |
LIMIT_MWVNA_POINT_UPx_# LIMIT_MWVNA_POINT_LOx_# | Upper/Lower Limit point value for trace x, where # is the limit point number. Each point value contains the X‑axis value, Y‑axis value, limit point, and limit flags, separated by a space. Note: Limit point and limit flags are not currently used and will always return a value of 0.000000 for limit point and 0 for limit flags. |
LIMIT_MWVNA_GRAPH_TYPE_UPx LIMIT_MWVNA_GRAPH_TYPE_LOx | Upper/Lower Limits Graph type. For available graph types, refer to GRAPH_TYPE. |