VectorStar™ MS464xB Series Microwave Vector Network Analyzer Programming Manual : SCPI Commands : :CONTrol{1-16}:AOUT Subsystem
:CONTrol{1-16}:AOUT Subsystem
The :CONTrol{1-16}:AOUT subsystem commands allows the user to specify the rear panel output mode, and then set appropriate voltage levels, pulse types, and ports for that mode. When all parameters are entered, a single command allows the rear panel output to be turned on and off. The settings are saved and can be recalled with the four setup file types:
Active Channel Setup and Cal (*.chx)
Active Channel Setup (*.stx)
All Channel Setup and Cal (*.cha)
All Channel Setup (*.sta)
Rear Panel Subsystems
A related rear panel subsystem is:
:CONTrol:AUXio Subsystem
I/O Configuration and File Operation Subsystems
Related subsystems for I/O configuration and file operation are:
:CALCulate{1-16}:FORMat Subsystem – SnP Data
:CALCulate{1-16}:NXN Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}[:SELected]:DATA Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}[:SELected]:TDATA Subsystem
:FORMat Subsystem
:HCOPy Subsystem
:MMEMory Subsystem
Setting the Rear Panel Output Mode as Horizontal
For example, to set the Rear Panel Output Mode at Horizontal, follow the general sequence below. In this example, the control is for Channel 4 with a Start voltage of -1.5 V and a Stop voltage of 2.8 V.
1. Turn the Rear Panel Output off:
2. Set the Output Mode to HORizontal:
:CONTrol4:AOUT:MODE HORizontal
3. Set the Horizontal Output Mode start (STARt) voltage to -1.5 V:
:CONTrol4:AOUT:VOLTage:STARt -1.500
4. Set the Horizontal Output Mode stop (STOP) voltage to +2.8 V:
:CONTrol4:AOUT:VOLTage:STOP 2.800
5. Check voltage settings:
6. Turn the Rear Panel Output on:
7. Check that the Rear Panel is on:
Setting the Rear Panel Output Mode as Driven Port
To set the Rear Panel Output Mode as Driven Port, follow the general command sequence below. In this example, the control is for Channel 2, with Port 1 at 3 V and Port 2 at 5 V.
1. Turn the Rear Panel Output off:
2. Set the Output Mode to DRIVen
3. Set the Driven Output Voltage Level for Port 1 to 3 V:
:CONTrol4:AOUT1:DRIVen:LEV 3.000
4. Set the Driven Output Voltage Level for Port 2 to 5 V:
:CONTrol4:AOUT2:DRIVen:LEV 5.000
5. Check voltage settings:
6. Turn the Rear Panel Output on:
:CONTrol{1-16}:AOUT:STATe ON
7. Check that the Rear Panel is on:
Setting the Rear Panel Output Mode as TTL
To set the Rear Panel Output Mode as TTL, follow the general command sequence below. In this example, the control is for Channel 5, with Port 1 at High, and Port 2 at Low Pulse set to 5.000 ms.
1. Turn the Rear Panel Output off:
2. Set the Output Mode to TTL:
3. Set the TTL Output for Port 1 as High (HIGH):
4. Set the TTL Output for Port 2 as Low Pulse (LPULSE):
5. Using units of seconds, set the Port 2 TTL Pulse Width to 0.001 seconds:
:CONTrol5:AOUT:PULSe:WIDth 1.0E-3
6. Check TTL and TTL Pulse Width settings:
7. Turn the Rear Panel Output on:
8. Check that the Rear Panel is on:
:CONTrol{1-16}:AOUT:MODE <char>
Sets the Rear Panel Output mode to horizontal, driven, TTL, or vertical for the indicated channel, where:
HORizontal = Defines the rear panel output voltage to be proportional to the horizontal position on the screen. If HOR is set, the Start and Stop voltages must by set, where the Start Voltage is the voltage for the first sweep point, and the Stop Voltage is the voltage for the last sweep point. The Start Voltage can be higher than, equal to, or less than the Stop Voltage. The voltage range for each is -10 VDC to +10 VDC. The Start Voltage is set by the :CONTrol{1-16}:AOUT:VOLTage:STARt command while the Stop Voltage is set by the :CONTrol{1-16}:AOUT:VOLTage:STOP command (both described below).
DRIVen = Defines the rear panel port analog output voltage as a function of the currently driven port. For example, if Port 1 is driving, the selected voltage is that set for Port 1. If Port 2 is driving, the selected voltage is that set for Port 2. If DRIV is set, the Output Level Voltage for Port 1 or Port 2 must be set. The command :CONTrol{1-16}:AOUT{1-2}:DRIVen:LEV sets the driven port voltage level for the indicated channel and port with a voltage range of -10 VDC to +10 VDC.
TTL = Defines the TTL power for each port as steady state high or low, or as pulse high or low. If pulse is selected, the duration of the pulse is also defined. The command :CONTrol{1-16}:AOUT{1-2}:TTL:TYPe defines the TTL type used as HIGH (+5 VDC), LOW (0 VDC), HIGH PULSE (+5 VDC), or LOW PULSE (0 VDC). If High Pulse or Low Pulse is selected, the Pulse Width in seconds must be specified using the command :CONTrol{1-16}:AOUT:PULSe:WIDth. Note that the TTL type is defined separately for Port 1 and for Port 2.
VERTical = Defines the rear panel output voltage to represent the vertical magnitude of a trace in a scaled fashion. If VERT is set for a rectangular display, the Minimum and Maximum voltages must by set, where the Min Voltage corresponds to the bottom graticule and the Max Voltage corresponds to the top graticule. If set for a circular display, the Min Voltage corresponds to the center graticule and the Max Voltage corresponds to the outer graticule. The Min Voltage can be higher than, equal to, or less than the Max Voltage. The voltage range for each is -10 VDC to +10 VDC. The Min Voltage is set by the :CONTrol{1-16}:AOUT:VOLTage:VMIN <NRf> command, while the Max Voltage is set by the ::CONTrol{1-16}:AOUT:VOLTage:VMAX <NRf> command (both described below).
Returns the currently set Rear Panel Output mode on the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<char> HORizontal | DRIVen | TTL | VERTical
Query Parameters
<char> HOR | DRIV | TTL | VERT
Default Value
Syntax Example
:CONTrol{1-16}:AOUT:PULSe:WIDth <NRf>
If the Rear Panel Output mode is set to TTL, and a High Plus and/or a Low Pulse is configured, sets the pulse width in seconds for the indicated channel.
Returns the Rear Panel Output pulse width in units of seconds for the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in Seconds.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter is in Seconds.
0 to 10 seconds
Default Value
Syntax Example
:CONTrol{1-16}:AOUT:VERTical:TRACe <char>
Sets the rear panel analog output vertical mode trace number (tr1 – tr16).
Returns the rear panel analog vertical output mode trace number in use.
Cmd Parameters
<char> TR1 | TR2 | TR3 | TR4 | TR5 | TR6 | TR7 | TR8 | TR9 | TR10 | TR11 | TR12 | TR13 | TR14 | TR15
| TR16
Query Parameters
<char> TR1 | TR2 | TR3 | TR4 | TR5 | TR6 | TR7 | TR8 | TR9 | TR10 | TR11 | TR12 | TR13 | TR14 | TR15
| TR16
Default Value
Syntax Example
:CONTrol{1-16}:AOUT:VERTical:TRACe:ACTive[:STATe] <char>
Sets the rear panel analog output vertical mode user active trace check box to ON/OFF.
Returns the rear panel analog vertical output mode user active trace check box status.
Cmd Parameters
<char> 1 | 0 | ON | OFF
Query Parameters
<char> 1 | 0
Default Value
Syntax Example
:CONTrol{1-16}:AOUT:VOLTage:STARt <NRf>
If the Rear Panel Output mode is set to horizontal, sets the start voltage for the indicated channel.
The Start Voltage is the voltage for the first sweep point in the range of -10 VDC to +10 VDC. The Start Voltage can be lower than, equal to, or greater than the Stop Voltage.
Returns the Rear Panel Output horizontal start voltage setting for the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in Volts.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter is in Volts.
-10 to +10 Volts
Default Value
Syntax Example
:CONTrol{1-16}:AOUT:VOLTage:STOP <NRf>
If the Rear Panel Output mode is set to horizontal, sets the stop voltage for the indicated channel.
The Stop Voltage is the voltage for the last sweep point in the range off -10 VDC to +10 VDC. The Stop Voltage can be lower than, equal to, or greater than the Start Voltage.
Returns the Rear Panel Output horizontal stop voltage for the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in Volts.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter is in Volts.
-10 to +10 Volts
Default Value
Syntax Example
:CONTrol{1-16}:AOUT:VOLTage:VMAX <NRf>
If the Rear Panel Output mode is set to vertical, sets the rear panel analog output vertical mode maximum voltage for the indicated channel.
The Max Voltage corresponds to the top display graticule.
Returns the rear panel analog vertical output mode maximum voltage of the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in Volts.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter is in Volts.
–10 to +10 Volts
Default Value
Syntax Example
:CONTrol{1-16}:AOUT:VOLTage:VMIN <NRf>
If the Rear Panel Output mode is set to vertical, sets the rear panel analog output vertical mode minimum voltage for the indicated channel.
The Min Voltage corresponds to the bottom display graticule.
Returns the rear panel analog vertical output mode minimum start voltage of the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in Volts.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter is in Volts.
–10 to +10 Volts
Default Value
Syntax Example
:CONTrol{1-16}:AOUT[:STATe] <char>
Sets the rear panel analog output on/off state for the indicated channel.
Returns the rear panel analog output on/off status of the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<char> 1 | 0 | ON | OFF
Query Parameters
<char> 1 | 0
Default Value
Syntax Example
:CONTrol{1-16}:AOUT{1-2}:DRIVen:LEV <NRf>
If the Rear Panel Output mode is set to driven, sets the voltage level for the indicated port on the indicated channel.
Returns the Rear Panel Output driven port voltage level for the indicated port on the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in Volts.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter is in Volts.
-10 to +10 Volts
Default Value
Syntax Example
:CONTrol{1-16}:AOUT{1-2}:TTL:TYPe <char>
Sets the Rear Panel Output mode as TTL type for the indicated port on the indicated channel where:
HIGH = A TTL high value of +5 VDC
LOW = A TTL low value of 0 VDC
HIGH PULSE = A TTL high value of +5 VDC for a pulse width duration in seconds as set by the command :CONTrol{1-16}:AOUT:PULSe:WIDth <NRf>.
LOW PULSE = A TTL low value of 0 VDC for a pulse width duration in seconds set by the command :CONTrol{1-16}:AOUT:PULSe:WIDth <NRf>.
Note that the TTL type is defined separately for Port 1 and for Port 2.
Returns the rear panel analog output TTL output type of the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
Query Parameters
Default Value
Syntax Example