MA2700A InterferenceHunter Help : Interference Analyzer (Option 25) : Measurements Menu : Demod Type Menu
Demod Type Menu
Key Sequence: Measurements > Spectrum > AM/FM Demod > Demod Type
IA Demod Type Menu
Press one of these submenu keys to select an AM/FM demodulation type. The red circle indicates the active selection. This menu provides five choices for the type of signal to be demodulated.
FM Wide Band
Frequency Modulation
FM Narrow Band
Frequency Modulation

Amplitude Modulation
Upper Sideband. This can also be used when demodulating CW (Morse code) signals.
Lower Sideband. This can also be used when demodulating CW (Morse code) signals.

Returns to the AM/FM Demod 1/2 Menu.
Refer to AM/FM/SSB Demodulation for a description of the built‑in demodulator.
AM/FM Demod 2/2 Menu
Key Sequence: Measurements > Spectrum > AM/FM Demod > More
IA AM/FM Demod 2/2 Menu
Squelch Power
Sets the squelch power value. Use this setting to limit noise when there is no signal to demodulate. The squelch value is the limit below which no signal is demodulated.
Beat Freq Osc
Sets the beat frequency of the oscillator to exactly set the demodulation frequency of USB and LSB signals. This key is active only when USB or LSB is selected as the Demod Type. This can also be used when demodulating CW (Morse code) signals.
Returns to the AM/FM Demod 1/2 Menu.